INFRA-RED LESSON Aim: To perform Infrared Objectives- State 3 effects and benefits of incorporating infrared treatments into massage (comprehension questions). List 3 contra indications to the treatments Demonstrate infrared treatment into a massage (Listen and respond to information), (Measuring time). List home and aftercare advice and identify at least one retail opportunity Extended Objective: List and describe 5 contra indications to the treatments EQ Identify barriers to your learning
I NDICATIONS FOR USE Pre heat treatment Relieve aches and pains Relieve muscular tension Aid absorption of products Promote relaxation
B ENEFITS OF INFRA RED HEAT Heating body tissues Increase body temperature Increased circulation causing vasodilation and erythema Lower blood pressure due to vasodilation Increased cell metabolism in local area
C ONTRA INDICATIONS High or low blood pressure Circulatory disorders Thrombosis Hyper sensitive skins Burns or sun burn Headaches or migraines Diabetes Recent scar tissue Swelling or fluid retention Menstruation
I NVERSE SQUARE LAW The Inverse square law applied to visible light and governs intensity in relation to distance. It states that the intensity of radiation varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source. If the distance is increased, the intensity decreases by the square distance, if the distance is reduced, the intensity increases. Cosine Law govern the intensity in relation to the angle a ray strikes the surface. Maximum intensity and absorption occurs when the rays strike the body at 90°
D ANGERS Burns If heat is too intense Client too near the lamp Skin sensation is defective and may not be aware of overheating Client touches lamp Electric shock From faulty equipment Headaches Irradiating the back of the neck or head
T REATMENT PROCEDURE Prepare equipment Check for contra indications to treatment Carry out skin sensitivity test Cleanse the area to remove any oils from body Explain treatment effects and sensation to client Direct lamp away from client and switch on Position the lamp parallel to area, at a distance of 60 cm at a 90° angle Stay near to client for 20 minutes treatment Turn lamp away, switch off turn away Continue with massage or electrotherapy
AUDIO SONIC LESSON Aim: To perform audio sonic Objectives- State 3 effects and benefits of incorporating audio sonic treatments into massage (comprehension questions). List 3 contra indications to the treatments Demonstrate audio sonic treatment into a massage (Listen and respond to information), (Measuring time). List home and aftercare advice and identify at least one retail opportunity Extended Objective: List and describe 5 contra indications to the treatments EQ Identify barriers to your learning
Audio sonic vibrator is a small, hand held appliance which creates a gentle stimulation through sound waves. Sound waves are transmitted by all media- solid, liquid or gas. The molecules in human tissue will vibrate when struck by sound waves. It is believed that lymph, cartilage, muscle and bone can conduct audio sonic pulses. Audio sonic contains a coil which is controlled by a electro magnet. When current is applied one way the coil moves the other way creating a backwards- forward movement with the head remaining static so the treatment is less stimulating on the surface and more relaxing for the client. Sound waves penetrate deep into the tissues at a cellular level and are therefore more beneficial in relaxing tension nodules A UDIO S ONIC
Explain the treatment effects and sensation Check for contra indications Select flat or ball applicator Apply talc or oil to the skin Use stroking or circular movements Treatment time:- 5 – 15 minutes T REATMENT TECHNIQUE
To reduce tension nodules, muscle spasm and overworked muscles Produces warmth, erythema and relaxation of tissue fibres Increases cell metabolism and circulation Aids desquamation Stimulates sebaceous activity Improves the appearance of dry, dehydrated and sensitive skins E FFECTS AND BENEFITS OF AUDIO SONIC
Metal pins or plates Thrombosis Back or abdomen during pregnancy Headaches or migraines Highly vascular or inflammatory conditions Skin diseases or disorders Undiagnosed pain Sun/ wind burn C ONTRA INDICATIONS TO TREATMENT
L ESSON R EVIEW In pairs discuss what you have learnt today. Write down two new thing you have learnt today