Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ PlanCoast Study Tour - July 6, 2007
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Spatial Planning in Germany Main goal: co-ordination and regulation of land- use Based on Raumordnungsgesetz (Federal Spatial Planning Act) guiding principle: sustainable spatial development - social and economic demands need to be consistent with ecological functions
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Important Steps Towards a Marine Spatial Planning in the Coastal Waters and the EEZ Ministerial Conference on Spatial Planning, December 2001: recommendation to expand spatial plans of the states (Länder) to the territorial sea; asks federal government to develop guidelines for spatial development in the EEZ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: expanded state plan in effect May 2005 Lower Saxony: offshore state plan in effect June 2006 Schleswig-Holstein: expanded state plan in preparation
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Marine Spatial Planning in the EEZ Federal Spatial Planning Act and thus possibility for spatial planning was expanded to German EEZ in 2004 responsibility of federal state Development of planning targets and principles for the EEZ within the framework of UNCLOS concerning –economic activities and scientific research, –safety and efficiency of shipping –protection of the marine environment
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ The German EEZ Baltic Sea : km² North Sea : km²
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Marine Spatial Planning in the EEZ Preparatory work including draft plan, strategic environmental assessment, public participation by Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) on behalf of and in close co-operation with Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs to be implemented as a statutory ordinance by Federal Ministry
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Restrictions apply due to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) uses that can be addressed (partially or completely) : –shipping –resource exploitation –submarine cables and pipelines –marine scientific research –wind energy –protection of the marine environment Marine Spatial Planning Regulation
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Titel gemäß Inhaltsübersicht
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Titel gemäß Inhaltsübersicht
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ planning target (legally binding) planning principle (guideline that needs to be particularly considered in the decision process) priority areas (Vorranggebiete): reserved for a defined use, other conflicting uses are excluded reservation areas (Vorbehaltsgebiete): defined use with priority in this area suitable areas (Eignungsgebiete): defined use is excluded outside designated areas Marine Spatial Planning Regulation - Tools
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Starting Points for Marine Spatial Planning Regulations Background Little experience with marine spatial planning lack of knowledge concerning some potentially important parameters Existing and approved uses
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Preferred areas for wind farms in accordance with Art. 3a Offshore Installations Ordinance (Seeanlagenverordnung) Background: "Strategy paper on the use of off- shore energy" by the Federal government as a framework for the expanison of offshore windenergy (2002) three areas specified by the end of 2005 (North of Borkum, Kriegers Flak, West off Adlergrund) Aim: focussed development of offshore windfams; effect of an anticipated expert opinion with regard to the choice of locations for installations to be taken over into the spatial plan Starting Points for Marine Spatial Planning Regulations
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ
overall planning guideline: shipping routes define basic structure of spatial plan Important shipping relations in the North Sea as defined by the Waterways and Shipping Directorates Shipping Routes as the Basic Structure
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Definition of areas for shipping along the routes in combination with areas for other uses will eventually add up to final plan Here: for example NATURA areas and preferred areas for wind energy as specified in 2005 Shipping Routes as the Basic Structure
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Conflict Resolutions Spatial separation of conflicting uses if possible Priority for certain uses in accordance with UNCLOS e.g. shipping definition of targets/principles to minimize conflicts
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Conflict Resolutions - Utility Lines For example: utility lines connecting the offshore windparks with infrastructure ashore Potential conflicts with shipping/anchoring, environmental protection, mineral extraction, pipelines Definition of gates for the crossing of the EEZ/12 nm-border and of traffic separation schemes in crucial areas (planning target) further planning principles possible e.g. laying the utility lines parallel to existing infrastructure like pipelines, grouping of utility lines etc.
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) SEA for spatial plans is mandatory Includes environmental report in which the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the plan are identified, described and evaluated consultation of authorities (national/international) and public Description of measures envisaged concerning monitoring the significant environmental effects of the implementation of the plan meetings to define the boundaries of investigation, assessment and assumptions (scoping) were held in April/May 2005
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Other Important Aspects - Data Management Distribution of common guillemot in summer
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Other Important Aspects - Data Management Distribution of common guillemot in autumn
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Other Important Aspects - Data Management Distribution of common guillemot in winter
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Other Important Aspects - Co-operation National as well as transnational co-ordination is very important national: regular meetings with states, joint contribution in Green Paper consultation process from marine spatial planning point of view international: –development of transnational principles and standards –development of European Atlas of the Seas
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Next Steps Consultation planned in second half of 2007 implementation as statutory ordinance presumably in 2008
July 6, Susanne Endrulat - Marine Spatial Planning in the German EEZ Any questions? Thank you for your attention!