The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Strategic Plan Edinburgh Shadow Health and Social Care Partnership Friday 15 May 2015
The JSNA … Uses intelligence and analysis to determine: current and future need what’s working, what’s not working, how things could work better major health inequalities and what can be done about them unmet needs Provide an evidence base for decision making and commissioning
JSNA and the planning cycle Needs assessment Informs Informs Implement plan Strategic planning Performance framework Is supported by
How is it different? Much of the information is not new but: It hasn’t necessarily been brought together before It hasn’t been jointly analysed before We haven’t used it as the basis for widespread consultation before
The contents Summarises the content of 20 different detailed topic papers – also available Locality overview Profile of Edinburgh Care group profiles Resource use patterns Identified pressures and unmet needs
Where are we now? Phase 1 Desktop review of data Phase 2 Stakeholder knowledge and insight First draft of Part 1 (desk top analysis) produced for engagement and further development: what have we missed? does it reflect stakeholders experience? how can it be improved? Part 2 will focus on the views of stakeholders Final version will be published with final draft of the strategic plan
Current position Workshop held on 1 May 2015 bringing together members of the Strategic Planning Group and those involved in producing the JSNA Widespread engagement taking place ion 3 questions: What are the gaps What does it tell us and does that feel right Overall feedback on the document
Strategic Planning Group met 14 May 2015 started to develop key priorities for recommendation to the Shadow Partnership/ Integration Joint Board began to develop a framework for the first draft of the strategic plan Began to identify who would be involved in writing various sections of the draft plan
Next steps Key priorities to be finalised for recommendation to the Shadow Partnership/ Integration Joint Board Templates and style guide to be issued to writing groups Work to begin on drafting the plan Consultation and engagement plan to be produced Plan for moving from the draft to final plan to be produced