Introducing the fourth generation of the Woodcock-Johnson
Structural Changes NEW! Oral Language Battery 8 New Tests (All Oral Language tests moved here and more.) 8 New Tests WJ-III Tests WJ-IV Tests: removed, Due to feedback and/or more powerful tests replaced these relocated, To the battery in which it is most appropriate/relevant renamed, To more accurately reflect the task and/or revised Items added to lower basal/increase ceiling Content updated
Most Significant Changes to the WJ IV Interpretive Model Most contemporary reflection of CHC theory Support for changes from neurocognitive, neuropsychological, and developmental research. Primary Interpretive Changes Short-term Working Memory Auditory Processing Speed of Lexical Access GIA Cluster
Changes to Interpretive Model: General Intellectual Ability Cluster Gc Oral Vocabulary Criticism over analogies in Verbal Comprehension Gf Number Series Most powerful predictor of ACH of all tests; Feedback about structure learning tasks from Concept Formation/Analysis Synthesis Gwm Verbal Attention Ecological; Authentic Measure; Different measure. Gs Letter-Pattern Matching (Pair Cancellation just as strong of a predictor, but they wanted a balance of types of stimuli); Perceptual Speed Ga Phonological Processing Cognitive complexity; highest Ga loading on OL’s new Segmentation test; as good of a measure of ‘g’ as Gf (0.804). Glr Story Recall WJIII Visual Auditory Learning w rebus was too juvenile for older children. Gv Visualization Different measure of Gv than WJIII.
General Comparison WJ III WJ IV 2 Batteries 3 Batteries Tests of Cognitive Abilities Tests of Achievement Tests of Oral Language WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities Standard and Extended 20 tests Diagnostic Supplement (Tests 21-31) 18 tests (no Diagnostic Supplement) (no oral language battery) WJ IV Tests of Oral Language (some OL tests were in the ACH) 1 test book 12 tests (9 English, 3 Spanish) WJ III Tests of Achievement WJ IV Tests of Achievement Form A and B (Std/Ext) Form C – brief form Test Record included all tests (Std/Ext) 3 Forms of Standard (A, B, C) 1 Form of Extended (for use w/all 3 forms) Test Record include Std forms and Ext Qualitative checklists for Tests 1-11
Norms 8000+ Ages 2 to 90+ 7400+ Compuscore Web based Scoring and reporting Included with test kits Summary narrative Can only print profiles (AE/GE, PR/SS) Electronic test records No summary narrative Can save profiles as PDFs Scores 4 levels of interpretive information Informal, AE/GE, RPI/zones, SS/PR, variation and discrepancy PRs Informal, AE/GE, RPI/zones, SS/PR, variation, discrepancy/comparison PRs Test Session Observation Checklist Variations Intra-cognitive Intra-achievement Intra-Individual Intra-oral language Academic Skills/Fluency/Applications Discrepancy Procedures Discrepancy/Comparison Procedures GIA-Std/Achievement GIA-Ext/Achievement Predicted Achievement/Achievement Oral Language-Ext/Achievement GIA/Achievement Scholastic Aptitude/Achievement Gf-Gc/other abilities Broad Oral Language/Achievement Academic Knowledge/Achievement Authors Woodcock, McGrew, Mather Schrank, McGrew, Mather, Woodcock
Tests in ACH Standard Battery WJ IV ACH WJ III ACH 1: Letter-Word Identification 2: Applied Problems 3: Spelling 4: Passage Comprehension 5: Calculation 6: Writing Samples 7: Word Attack 8: Oral Reading 9: Sentence Reading Fluency 10: Math Facts Fluency 11: Sentence Writing Fluency 1: Letter-Word Identification 2: Reading Fluency 3: Story Recall 4: Understanding Directions 5: Calculation 6: Math Fluency 7: Spelling 8: Writing Fluency 9: Passage Comprehension 10: Applied Problems 11: Writing Samples 12: Story Recall–Delayed Renamed In COG In OL Renamed Renamed Dropped 7 7
Tests in ACH Extended Battery WJ IV ACH WJ III ACH 12: Reading Recall 13: Number Matrices 14: Editing 15: Word Reading Fluency 16: Spelling of Sounds 17: Reading Vocabulary 18: Science 19: Social Studies 20: Humanities 13: Word Attack 14: Picture Vocabulary 15: Oral Comprehension 16: Editing 17: Reading Vocabulary 18: Quantitative Concepts 19: Academic Knowledge 20: Spelling of Sounds 21: Sound Awareness 22: Punctuation & Capitalization In STD In OL In OL Dropped Expanded In OL Dropped 8 8
Selective Testing Table
Selective Testing Table COG-18
Core Tests of Oral Language Intra Oral Language Score Test 1 Picture Vocabulary Test 2 Oral Comprehension Test 3 Segmentation Test 4 Rapid Picture Naming
Key Clusters in Oral Language Battery Phonetic Coding Cluster Tests: Segmentation and Sound Blending Phonemic awareness Basic reading and spelling skills Speed of Lexical Access Cluster Tests: Rapid Picture Naming and Retrieval Fluency Naming Speed Covariance of these 2 tests emerged Reading comprehension & written expression
Other Key Clusters in Oral Language Battery Vocabulary Tests: Picture Vocabulary and Oral Vocabulary Both tasks presented orally Good predictor of reading performance Comprehension-Knowledge-Extended Tests: Picture Vocabulary, Oral Vocabulary, General Information 3 tests measuring acquired language-based knowledge Auditory Memory Span Tests: Sentence Repetition and Memory for Words 2 tests measuring the narrow short-term working memory ability of auditory memory span
Comparative Language Index Comparative Language Index (CLI) Comparative Language Index English Cluster Spanish Cluster Oral Language Test 1: Picture Vocabulary Test 2: Oral Comprehension Lenguaje oral Test 10: Vocabulario sobre dibujos Test 11: Comprensión oral Broad Oral Language Test 1: Picture Vocabulary Test 2: Oral Comprehension Test 6: Understanding Directions Amplio lenguaje oral Test 12: Comprensión de indicaciones Listening Comprehension Test 2: Oral Comprehension Comprensión auditiva
Comparative Language Index (CLI) Spanish oral language proficiency RPI = 66/90 English oral language proficiency RPI = 15/90 S/E CLI = 66/15 Comparative Language Index
Summary: WJ IV OL Yields important information about oral language abilities, phonetic coding, speed of lexical access Explores possible contributing factors in reading disabilities and dyslexia Includes 3 parallel tests in Spanish and allows comparison of English and Spanish oral language abilities Provides an important diagnostic supplement to WJ IV COG/WJ IV ACH
WJ-IV Tests of Cognitive Ability: Changes to CHC Factor Clusters WJ III Tests WJ IV Tests Gc Verbal Comprehension General Information Oral Comprehension Gf Concept Formation Analysis Synthesis Number Series Gwm Numbers Reversed Memory for Words Verbal Attention Gs Visual Matching Decision Speed Letter-Pattern Matching Pair Cancellation Ga Sound Blending Auditory Attention Phonological Processing Nonword Repetition Glr Visual-Auditory Learning Retrieval Fluency Story Recall Gv Spatial Relations Picture Recognition Visualization
Standard Battery Comparison WJ IV COG WJ III COG 1. Oral Vocabulary 2. Number Series 3. Verbal Attention 4. Letter-Pattern Matching 5. Phonological Processing 6. Story Recall 7. Visualization 8. General Information 9. Concept Formation 10. Numbers Reversed 1. Verbal Comprehension Modified 2. Visual-Auditory Learning 3. Spatial Relations Modified 4. Sound Blending In WJ IV OL 5. Concept Formation 6. Visual Matching Renamed 7. Number Reversed 8. Incomplete Words Dropped 9. Auditory Working Memory Renamed 10. Visual-Auditory Learning-Delayed Dropped 18
Extended Battery Comparison WJ IV COG WJ III COG 11. Number-Pattern Matching (was Visual Matching) 12. Nonword Repetition 13. Visual-Auditory Learning 14. Picture Recognition 15. Analysis-Synthesis 16. Object-Number Sequencing (Was Auditory Working Memory) 17. Pair Cancellation 18. Memory for Words 11. General Information 12. Retrieval Fluency In OL 13. Picture Recognition 14. Auditory Attention Dropped 15. Analysis-Synthesis 16. Decision Speed Dropped 17. Memory for Words 18. Rapid Picture Naming In OL 19. Planning Dropped 20. Pair Cancellation 19
Selective Testing Table 20
New Clusters Gf-Gc composite Scholastic Aptitudes Perceptual Speed Quantitative Reasoning Number Facility Cognitive Efficiency Auditory Memory Span* Vocabulary* *Requires a test from the WJ IV OL
Gf-Gc Composite Composed of 4 tests (2 Gc and 2 Gf) 1: Oral Vocabulary (Gc) 2: Number Series (Gf) 8: General Information (Gc) 9: Concept Formation (Gf) Considered a hybrid model uses traditional ability/achievement methodology interprets discrepancies as a profile of intra-individual strengths and weaknesses Useful in gifted, SLD, and intellectual disability evaluations 22 22
Scholastic Aptitudes Each Scholastic Aptitude cluster is a 4-test cluster designed to provide the best empirical and research-based, cognitive predictor of achievement. Compares most relevant cognitive abilities to current levels of achievement in specific areas to determine if ability is consistent with achievement (aptitude-achievement consistency). Six scholastic aptitudes increase precision of prediction. 23
Six Scholastic Aptitudes 2 Reading 2 Math 2 Writing
Perceptual Speed (Gs-P) The ability to rapidly perform simple tasks that use symbols, such as letters or numbers Composed of Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching and Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching An important narrow ability with unique clinical significance Related to orthographic processing Needed for decoding, encoding, reading fluency Involved in math
Quantitative Reasoning (Gf-RQ) The ability to reason deductively and inductively with numbers, mathematical relations, and operators Composed of Test 2: Number Series and Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis The complexity of this cluster makes it a strong predictor of achievement, especially math problem solving.
Number Facility (Gs-N) The ability to perform basic arithmetic operations quickly and accurately Composed of Test 10: Numbers Reversed and Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching Compare task demands Numbers Reversed—oral presentation Number-Pattern Matching—visual Timed task versus untimed (but stimuli is temporary)
Cognitive Efficiency (Gwm+Gs) A measure of short-term working memory (Gwm) and processing speed (Gs) Composed of Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching and Test 10: Numbers Reversed Extended cluster includes two additional tests: Test 3: Verbal Attention and Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching Important diagnostic cluster Gwm and Gs are both foundational for complex cognitive functioning. Limits can interfere with performance. 28 28
Auditory Memory Span (Gwm-MS) Ability to hold auditory information in immediate awareness Composed of Test 18: Memory for Words and from the WJ IV OL, Test 5: Sentence Repetition Consider impact of language Memory for Words—unrelated words Sentence Repetition—meaningful sentences
Vocabulary (Gc-VL, LD) A measure of lexical knowledge and language development Composed of Test 1: Oral Vocabulary and Test 1: Picture Vocabulary from the WJ IV OL Both tasks presented orally Good predictor of reading performance Compare to WJ IV ACH Test 17: Reading Vocabulary
General Intellectual Ability Options General Intellectual Ability (GIA) Tests 1–7 (35–40 minutes) Median reliability: .97 Brief Intellectual Ability (BIA) Tests 1–3 (10–15 minutes) Median reliability: .94 Gf-Gc Composite (covered previously) Tests 1, 2, 8, & 9 (15–20 minutes) Median reliability: .95 31 31
7 CHC Processing Clusters Comprehension Knowledge Fluid Reasoning Short Term Working Memory Cognitive Processing Speed Auditory Processing Long Term Retrieval Visual Processing 32 32
WJ IV COG Summary Uses the most contemporary model of CHC theory Offers 7 core tests in the Standard Battery to obtain key information efficiently Measures important cognitive abilities helpful for understanding learning problems Provides the new Gf-Gc comparison procedure, a cutting- edge approach for SLD and intellectual disability evaluations Co-normed with WJ IV Tests of Achievement and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language 33 33
Operating System Requirements
Levels of Information Available: -Age or Grade Norms -Raw Scores -RPIs or CALP Levels (RPI=0/90 to 100/90) (CALP=1-6, extremely limited to very advanced -Standard Scores, Percentile Rank (Mean=100, SD=15) Range= SS 0-200+, PR=.1 to 99.9 -Discrepancy Scores
Questions? Lauren DeFrancesco National Account Executive Riverside Publishing/HMH (317) 364-8432