Quality Education for a healthier Scotland NES – A Digital Transformation Christopher Wroath – Interim Director of Digital Transformation
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Digital Transformation - Background Feedback from customers and stakeholders (Bright signals report, Board engagement) Feedback from staff - Strategic Framework engagement, Senior Operational Group Our digital landscape is confused, difficult to navigate, hard to find the resources you are looking for
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland NES current landscape
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Additional Issues Small teams with limited resilience Limited sharing across professional groups Duplication of functionality Inefficient use of resources
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Additional Issues Disparate technical strategy Duplication of data across the NES digital landscape No central technical standards Complex and expensive integration of systems and data Multiple hosts / multiple vendors / multiple development frameworks
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland NES Response One of our key strategic outcomes Engaged digital consultants to produce a blueprint for a future operating model and a roadmap to get there Workshops and individual interviews Report April 2014 – report made available to all staff ET agreed vision and direction of travel Discussed with NES Board May 2014 – Agreement to appoint an Interim Director Christopher Wroath took up post August 2014 Presentation to the Digital Transformation Programme Board (DTPB) end of September 2014
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Digital Transformation A single vision for all NES digital and related services A dedicated and focused group to deliver the vision People at the core of our digital (data) services NES will create a unified environment.... delivered through a unified technology platform Optimised for mobile
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland The Future Unified Environment
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Immediate and Mid-term Future The creation of the new environment is already happening TURAS V1.0 will be released in November in Medicine – first element of ‘My Data’ TURAS 2.0 will deliver in December 2015 NES is starting engagement for ‘My Career’ and ‘My Resources’
Quality Education for a healthier Scotland Thank you Any Questions?