Brooke Quinones CSE 610
Cultures come together to serve ALL students
English Language Learner
Scores prior to IWB implementation ELL Passing- Math- 3 rd grade -60%Gap-21% 5thgrade-62%Gap-19% Regular Passing-3 rd grade-81% 5 th grade-81% Ell Passing-Reading- 3 rd grade-89%Gap-6% 5 th grade-64%Gap-19% Regular Passing-3 rd grade-95% 5 th grade-83%
Scores after to IWB implementation ELL Passing- Math- 3 rd grade -82.4%Gap-2.1% 5thgrade-88.9%Gap-+4.3% Regular Passing-3 rd grade-84.5% 5 th grade-84.6% Ell Passing-Reading- 3 rd grade-84.6%Gap-10.5% 5 th grade-73.2%Gap-10.4% Regular Passing-3 rd grade-95.1% 5 th grade-83.6%
Globe Globe child globe child globe classroom #1 classroom #1 classroom #2 classroom #2 ELL ELL IWB #1 IWB #1 IWB #2 IWB #2 Chalkboard Chalkboard child IWB child IWB Article Article