Photosynthesis Rate Results Ms. Albu E Block
Results - The effect of leaf type on rate of leaf disk floats (Spinach vs. Asian Pear) Hypothesis: If oxygen is removed from the discs of spinach leaves and asian pear leaves, then the spinach discs will photosynthesize at a faster rate than the asian pear discs will. Summary: According to the data, the rate of photosynthesis in floats per minute for spinach leaves is generally faster than the rate of photosynthesis for asian pear leaves, which proves our hypothesis correct. The discs float as they produce more oxygen from photosynthesis, which makes them more buoyant. The faster the rate of photosynthesis, the faster the leaves will produce oxygen and float. by Louise, Brandon, and Rachel
Since the spinach disks floated to the surface faster than the rhododendron disks, that means the spinach produced more oxygen in the given time, thus the spinach has a higher photosynthetic rate. Conclusion Zoe Cole, Amanda Johnson, Sarah Boughan, Vanessa Palermo
Apple Leaves Photosynthetic Rate = Number of Floating Chads/ # of Minutes Apple Leaves = 9 Chads / 7 minutes = 1.29 Chads / Minute Spinach Leaves = 15 Chads / 3 minutes = 5.00 Chads / minute
Photosynthetic Rate of Spinach vs. Arugula Time (min) Contro l (Spina ch) Experime ntal (Arugula) Abby Edison, Leah Calitri, Bridget Gomes, Caileigh Burke We found that the spinach produced oxygen faster than the arugula. This results in the spinach “chads” rising to the top at a faster rate than the arugula. The spinach rose at a rate of.6 floats/min and the arugula rose at a rate of 2.8 floats/min. The spinach leaves are a darker green and therefore have a higher photosynthetic rate.
Photosynthetic Rate Lab Ankit Thakur and David Ellis Spinach Leaf Black Cherry Leaf Time (min) Number of Spinach Floats Number of Black Cherry Floats
All About that Basil, no Spinach By: Abby Mills, Claire Shea, Madhu Kaushik and Rebecca Arnold Time0 mi n 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 mi n 5 min 6 min 7 min 8 min 9 min 10 min Spin ach (disk s) % % % % % % % % % % % Basil * (disk s) % % % Control Group: Spinach Disks Experimental Group: Basil Disks *Basil is out of four disks- data in proportion to twenty disks The basil leaves undergo a higher speed of photosynthesis than the spinach leaves. This is because the basil disks began to float 3 minutes before the spinach disks. Also all of the basil disks floated 8 minutes before all the spinach disks.