DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. (Title of Project) DARPA MTO Micro-PNT Program (Principal Investigator, Institution) DATE
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Team List your collaborators and roles, show their logos, etc. Highlight any changes in teaming or personnel since last presentation
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Innovative Claims This section should present aspects of your project that set it apart from the status quo.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Technical Challenges What are the most significant technical challenges in your project?
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Technical Approach This section should provide a description of the technical approach. This can go on for several slides.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Current Results Recent results, highlights/lowlights, since you last presented at a uPNT meeting
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here GoalsPhase ‘X’ GoalsCurrent ResultsEnd Goals Size [cc]1071 Power [mW]20 5 ARW [°/ hr] Bias Drift [°/hr] Scale Factor Stability [ppm] Project Goals and Milestones Insert information indicating your current level of performance compared with the goals or milestones for current phase in a table below. EXAMPLE
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here RiskLikelihoodImpactScoreNotes Risk Likelihood: probability (1-10) that we will NOT be able to mitigate this risk. Impact: how badly it will impact program success if we fail to mitigate the risk. Risk Overall score: Likelihood x Impact Lower number = lower risk Risk Color-code trends. Green: risk that has decreased since last report Red: risk that has increased since last report Risk Highlight newly-added risks since last report Technical Risk Elements Risk table should contain all risks, including those identified in the original proposal and those identified since. Use subsequent slides to discuss at least the top three scores from the table (one slide per risk).
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Risk Slide (one of several) Describe the technical risk. What is the rationale behind your values for Impact and Likelihood? Has the risk increased or decreased since you last reported? Why? What are you doing now (or planning to do) to drive the risk down?
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA. Your Logo Here Provide your current scheduled phase transition date Summarize where you expect to be by that date Summarize your planned program activities for the near future. Indicate specifically plans for the next: 1 month 3 months 6 months Future Plans
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors for the purpose of the Spring 2015 micro-PNT Program Review. Other requests for this document shall be referred to DARPA.