2015/16 DSG Settlement and Other Announcements (Agenda Item 4)
Purpose /16 DSG Settlement – the numbers and headlines 2.Other Department for Education (DfE) announcements
2015/16 Settlement Values DSG £520.8m (£496.7m in ) SCHOOLS BLOCK £425.7m (£394.8m in ) £30.9m EARLY YEARS BLOCK £28.5m (£27.0m in ) £1.5m HIGH NEEDS BLOCK £66.4m (£65.7m in ) £0.7m OTHER £0.2m (£9.2m in ) £9.0m
DSG Overview Figures in £mChangeExplanation Schools Block30.9+£15.6m non-recouping academies +£9.6m Fairer Funding increase (£9.9m less £0.3m carbon reduction increased adjustment) +£5.7m - 1,323 extra pupils * £4, Early Years block1.5 + £0.6m EY Pupil premium +£0.9m increase of 233 FTE (*£4,047.19) between January 2013 and January 2014 High Needs block0.7Mainly NCC share of £47M national increase in HN block (allocated based on 2-19 aged population) Other(9.0)£8.8m – comprising £9m 2 year olds, £0.2 NQT, £0.2m – NQT TOTAL24.1 Note – for ease of comparison £0.4 m Carbon reduction deduction in has been shown against schools block (for 14-15) as this is where the EFA have ‘included’ it in
Headlines (excl non recouping) Changes in school pupil numbers in the Schools Oct 2014 census 2014/15 (October 2013 census) 2015/16 (October 2014 census) Change Reception Uplift (0.5) Primary59, ,165.51,619.0 Secondary35, ,834.5(456.5) SEN Units and Resourced Provision(581.0)(420.0)161.0 Total94, ,684.01,323 1,323 pupils £4, £5,670k addition to Schools Block
2015/16 DSG Grant Changes Recoupment applies to the Schools and High Needs blocks Non recoupment academies now included in the schools block. Further DSG changes may be made to reflect the final Authority Pro-Forma Tool. June January 2015 Early Years pupil numbers 2 year olds July Early Years Block updated for January 2015 Early Years pupil numbers 3 and 4 year olds Autumn term 2015 – 2 year olds LA voluntary data return where significant increase in numbers – Jan 2016 grant change January 2016 – Early Years pupil premium updates
Conditions of the Grant (as 14/15) a)Single formula for maintained Schools and Academies b)Formula must take account of circumstances in all maintained Schools and Academies c)The formula must allocate at least 80% of funding through pupil led factors d)Any capping or scaling back of funding for schools and academies must not exceed the total cost of the Minimum Funding Guarantee e)Central funding – maintained Schools and recoupment Academies treated equally (except for funds de- delegated from maintained schools)
Conditions of the Grant (as 14/15) f)Funding for young people with high needs – fair and equivalent to all providers g)-1.5% per pupil cash protection for Special Schools and Special Academies between 2014/15 and 2015/16 h)The authority must continue any agreement to fund high needs top up payments when a pupil has been placed and is in receipt of top up funding from the authority at 31 st March 2015 i)Agreements are required in respect of High Need top up funding and payments to be made in a timely fashion
National Copyright licences A Single National License as in 2014/15 covering : Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Schools Printed Music Licence (SPML) Newspaper Licensing Authority (NLA) Education Recording Agency (ERA) Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) Filmbank Distributors Ltd (for the PVSL) ADDITIONS for 2015/16 Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) Performing Rights Society (PPL) Phonographic performance Limited (PPL) 2015/16 Includes LA maintained nursery schools and non recoupment academies
Other - Pupil Premium Pupil Premium 2015/16 values have changed for Primary Pupil Premium Category2014/15 £ 2015/16 £ Change £ Primary1,3001,32020 Secondary935 0 Looked After Children (Pupil Premium Plus) 1,900 0 Service Child300 0
Other - Education Services Grant Following a national consultation these have been reduced by the DfE further for 2015/16 Education Services Grant funding to academies2015/16 £ Primary and secondary schools87 Special schools PRUs Note. £27 per pupil ESG top up for academies in 2014/15 not continued. New protection for academies in 2015/16. Generally those receiving low ESG funding rates should not see a funding reduction of greater than 1% of total funding through the reduction in ESG. Those academies with high historical LACSEG/ESG funding rates will see higher reductions on a tapered basis.
Summary Increased Fairer Funding allocations Increasing numbers has increased the DSG in all blocks A number of grant announcements and changes still to be made – mainly around early years National copyright - increased coverage and expanded to maintained nursery schools but charge also increases Pupil premium - £20 per pupil increase for primary aged pupils (from £1,300 to £1,320) Education Services Grant – the DfE are reducing – both for Local Authorities and Academies