Supporting Transfers: Resources Available at UC
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Preview Academics Transfer Student Centers Orientations Housing Organizations Recreation
Transfer Student Centers
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Always Ready Most UC campuses have a Transfer Student Center that provides resources to aid in your transition to the university. Discuss your academic goals and figure out your plan towards graduation. Utilize the different computer labs, study space, or lounge areas in between classes. Find opportunities and activities that are for transfer students only.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Visit a Center Feel free to stop by and check out the wonderful resources provided at transfer center like these: UCLA Bruin Resource Center UC Irvine Transfer Student Center UC Merced Bright Success Center
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Transfer-focused Enjoy day-long transfer orientation programs that will bring you one step closer to becoming a student of the UC system. Tour the campus, check out where transfer students will be living, and learn the history behind every tradition. Understand what is expected of the students academically before starting the upcoming year. Introduce yourself to future classmates, roommates, staff and faculty members.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Getting Prepared Learn everything you need to know about your campus with specifically tailored transfer orientations like the following: UC Riverside Highlander Orientation UC Berkeley CalSO UC Irvine Transfer Success
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 A Second Home UC campuses provide on campus transfer housing with all the bells and whistles. Guaranteed housing for your first year at UC. Included with your housing are amazing amenities without the stress of paying bills. Eat at conveniently located dining halls and markets. Lounge or study in the multiple common rooms within your housing complex.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Assisted Living UC campuses also provide on campus transfer housing that caters to your family lifestyle. Assisted housing is provided at several UC campuses for those who need housing for their loved ones, whether it be spouse or children. Services child day-care programs are provided when available.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Involve Yourself Transfer students can get involved with big projects and join nationally ranked organizations. Start a new organization and lead others to follow your vision. Participate in the student body and making decisions that will make a positive impact. Attend social or service- orientated events and meet new friends in between.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Transfer Associations Several campuses have special transfer organizations that plan special events and activities just for transfers. UC San Diego All Campus Transfer Association UC Berkeley Re-entry and Transfer Student Association UCLA Transfer Student Alliance
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Get Active Our campuses promote living an active lifestyle. Dance, rock- climbing, or even surfing, the UC system has it all. Discover something new and exciting with recreational classes. Practice your favorite sport leisurely or train with a team and compete against other universities. Opportunities vary depending on availability and location of campus.
UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 Helpful Links UC Berkeley CalSO: UC Berkeley Transfer Re-entry and Student Parent Center: UC Davis Transfer Housing: UC Davis Transfer Student Center: UC Irvine Transfer Student Center: UC Irvine Transfer Success: UCLA Bruin Resource Center: UCLA Transfer Student Alliance: UC Merced Calvin E. Bright Success Center: UC Merced Transfer Admissions: UC Riverside Highlander Orientation: UC Riverside Transfer Admissions: UC San Diego All Campus Transfer Association: UC San Diego The Village: UC Santa Barbara Manzanita Village: UC Santa Barbara Transfer Admissions: UC Santa Cruz Transfer Admissions: UC Santa Cruz Transfer Community:
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