Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6/I, Tue 15:30-16:30 Session 1, 7 Oct 2014
Coursebook: Vićan, D.M., Pavić, Z., Smerdel, B., Engleski za pravnike, Narodne novine d.d., Units presentations available at -> Teaching materials
1. 7 Oct 2014 – Introduction to the course Oct 2014 – Crime (19) Oct 2014 – Death and the Law (20) Oct 2014 – The Death Penalty (21) 5. 3 Nov 2014 – Marriage (22) Nov Divorce (23) Nov 2014 – Wills and Inheritance (24) SP 8. 2 Dec 2014 – The Legal Character of International Law (25); SP 9. 9 Dec 2014 – The Charter of the United Nations (26); SP Dec 2014 – The European Union, part I Dec 2014 – The European Union, part II (Court of Justice) (27); Jan 2015 – Final Revision End-of-term test Jan 2015 – End-of-term test Jan 2015 – Signatures and Tutorials
Optional Regular attendance (missing no more than 3 sessions) ◦ opportunity to take the end-of-term exam
1. Revision of the previous session 2. Presentation of the new topic 3. Relevant vocabulary 4. Case study / discussion questions
TEST: Mastering relevant vocabulary ORAL EXAM: Being able to talk about the topics covered in the syllabus, using relevant terms The extra material covered in class will help you understand the content and prepare for the exam
a presentation a presentation on a topic (more or less) related to the curriculum Optional student assignments
duration: approx. 15 minutes 2-3 students prepare each presentation as a joint project minimum 3 sources must be consulted (e.g. one main and two additional) Presentations
REWARD for participating in a successful presentation: ◦ you can SKIP the oral examination HOWEVER... ◦ you still have to take the written test ◦ you MUST attend the classes (75 %) Presentations
Some suggested topics: ◦ adoption ◦ same-sex unions ◦ a Croatian court ◦ a lawyer’s office ◦ the Bar Examination ◦ EU-related topics ◦ a case study ◦ etc.
Before giving the presentation, students MUST: ◦ consult the lecturer about the topic ◦ consult the lecturer about the sources ◦ show the entire PP presentation, as well as the outline and notes at least two weeks before giving the presentation ◦ consult the lecturer about the pronunciation of difficult words Presentations
RESOURCES Tempus reading room ◦ TMT 3, weekdays Department library (come and talk to me) DATES 18 Nov, 25 Nov, 2 Dec, 9 Dec
DOs: ◦ involve the audience ◦ study your sources and compile the most interesting bits of information into your presentation ◦ make eye contact with your audience ◦ address your audience and use plain English ◦ include questions and discussion points
DON’Ts: ◦ copy from source word for word ◦ read from a piece of paper – it’s BORING!!! ◦ include full, complex sentences on your slides ◦ use language you don’t understand ◦ suffocate the presentation with images and animations (especially if you do not make use of them!)
Thank you for your attention!