Challenge Questions What outcomes have we achieved?
QI 1.1 Improvement in performance How well do we select the information we gather? How do we ensure we gather information that is appropriate to our priorities and plans? How well and how consistently do we use information across the organisation? How well do we use performance information to inform future planning? What positive impacts and wider benefits does the information we gather demonstrate? What does our information tell us about trends over time? How do we use this trend information to plan for improvement? Are we good at sharing our information within the organisation, with partners and with stakeholders? How do we do this? To what extent do we benchmark and use comparative information to plan for improvement? How well are we performing against our aims, objectives and targets? How do we know?
QI 1.2 Adherence to statutory principles and fulfilment of statutory rights Are we aware of what legislation, regulation and codes of practice we need to comply with? How do we ensure we keep up to date with changes? How do we know that we comply with appropriate legislation, regulation, codes of practice? How do we check? How well do we take into account wider legislation, policies and other drivers which relate to our practice? How well do we meet relevant policies and guidance? How good are we at adjusting our work in response to changing legislation, regulation, codes of practice, guidance and policy? Are the management board, all staff and volunteers aware of their responsibilities in regards to legislation, regulation, codes of practice, guidance and policy? Do they all comply with what is required? Do we comply with all required financial processes to meet legislative, policy, best practice and where relevant charitable status requirements? Do our budget management processes and financial decisions enable us to best meet the needs of the people we work with?