Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations CSAC Tender Training Event Incorporating Procurement of Care and Support Services in Cumbria 5 th /10th February 2015
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Welcome Mike Farren - Senior Procurement And Contracts Manager in Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management (CPCM)
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Rules and Procedures Expenditure by local authorities is governed by EU Procurement Directives as enforced by the Public Contracts Regulations (2006). This legislation sets out clear detailed procedures for the award of contracts whose value equals or exceeds specific thresholds. Contracts which fall below the EU financial thresholds must comply with the Council's own Contract Procedure Rules which form part of the Constitution. These rules provide formal procedures for all contracting and tendering and regulate the processes used by the Council when seeking to procure goods, works and services.
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Financial Values And Thresholds Estimated Value / AmountInvitation Method £0 - £50,0002 written quotations or existing framework £50,000 - £100,000Minimum of 3 written quotations, sealed via The Chest or existing framework Exceeding £100,000 but less than EU Threshold Formal written tender via The Chest or existing framework Above EU Threshold Supplies - £173,394 Services - £173,394 Works - £4,348,350 Formal written tender via Official Journal Of European Union (OJEU), The Chest or existing framework Due to change – 2015
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Procurement Principles All procurements should be fair, open and transparent This is based on the European Union procurement rules, about not favouring or putting any potential supplier to a disadvantage. All contracting authorities should be seen to be acting in a fair manner. “ensure a degree of advertising and follow a procedure leading to the award of the contract which is sufficient to enable open and fair competition and meet the requirements of the principles of equal treatment, non discrimination and transparency.”.
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Procurement of Care and Support Services in Cumbria Home Care – Framework 1 Night Services – Framework 1 Supported Living - Fr 2 Extra Care Housing Support – Fr 3 Mental Health Active Rehabilitation and Recovery Pathway – Fr 4
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Further ASC 2015 Procurement Residential And Nursing Care – July 2015 ? Day Services – September 2015 ?
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Esupply Portal
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Open Tender Process Open tender process (Single stage) All companies who express an interest will be invited to submit a tender. This is a single stage process This process would normally only be used where the known market place is limited. An open procedure can lead to literally hundreds of tenders being received What will you receive in the Tender Pack ? ITT – Invitation To Tender – This will include some Legal jargon and clauses including TUPE, timetable, award criteria and general instructions Questionnaire – This will be ONLINE and allow you to save in draft form. If applying for multiple Frameworks then The Chest will save your answers on ‘like for like’ questions. Certificate Of Non Collusion - To sign and return Form Of Tender – To sign and return Specification – For information Maps – Zoning for the different Frameworks Pricing Schedule – To be completed and returned
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Online Questionnaire
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations TUPE Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 Does TUPE apply ? TUPE During The Tender Process
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Award Criteria SectionMaximum Total Score WeightingProvider AProvider B Organisation Profile For Information 0CompletedClarification Required Grounds For Exclusion Pass / FailP/FPass Compliance / Standards Pass FailP/FPass Technical Capacity Q1 100 Q2 400 Q1 10 Q2 40 Q1 80 Q2 200 Q1 50 Q2 320 Social Value Totals600 N/A380420
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Award Matrix ScoresAssessmentInterpretation 10Excellent The approach has been tailored specifically to suit the contract’s objectives and the requirements of the specification, uses innovative approaches to deal comprehensively with the main management and service risks, and is likely to maximise performance and deliver continuous improvement. 8Good The approach demonstrates a good understanding of the contract’s objectives and the requirements of the specification. It deals fully with the main management and service risks and provides for delivering continuous improvement over the life of the contract. 5Acceptable The approach demonstrates an adequate understanding of the contract’s objectives and the requirements of the specification. It covers the main management and service risks to an acceptable standard. 2Weak The approach meets the specification but fails to demonstrate an adequate understanding of the requirements of the specification. 0FailThe approach does not meet the requirements of the specification.
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Example Award Criteria Criteria RefMaximum ScoreTotal 1 QUALITY – 60% Safeguarding Method Statement Recruitment and Retention Contract Reporting Joint Working Arrangements and Governance PRICE – 40% Urban Rural Extra Rural
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations So, What Is An Excellent Answer ??? Very simply…An Excellent answer answers the question and then some. Think of it as a 3 stage process 1.How do you do it ? (How) 2.Why do you do it that way? (Impact) 3.What are the added value/innovation? (Outcomes) Be clear and to the point !!!
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations ‘Excellent’ Answer Tips 1.Start with the basics. The Evaluation panel may not know you so don’t presume they do. 2.Use the word count allowance ! Expand and don’t rely on Yes/No or one sentence answers. 3.Too many words? Use bullet points ! Be clear, concise and cut out the waffle. 4.Ask someone to read your answers and offer advice. 5.Look at the question, underline key words and think “how can I gain points over the competition?” 6.Read the question and ask yourself “why are they asking that?”
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Tendering Tips 1 1. TIME. Check the deadlines for requesting and then returning tender documents/completing online Questionnaire. Zero tolerance on late bids !!! 2. HELP. Don't be put off by tender documentation. Ask for help. Go to ‘Discussion’ Section on The Chest and submit your questions. 3. READ. Read the specification and other documentation carefully so that you fully understand what is required; 4. INTRODUCTION. Treat us aliens from the planet Zog !!! 5. INFORMATION. Ensure you supply all information requested and in the correct format. If you cannot supply all the information then send a clarification question via ‘Discussion’ on The Chest. 6. RELEVANCE. Do not include general publicity information with your tender unless you have been specifically asked to do so. 7. LOCALITY. Look at the question and think ‘as a local supplier, how can I gain points over the national competition?’
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Top Tips 2 8. SCORING. Look at the points awarded to each question and answer accordingly. 9. EVALUATION. Check the criteria that will be used to evaluate the tender and ensure that your submission covers all necessary criteria adequately; 10. CLARITY. Be clear on the pricing model you are submitting and the assumptions you have made i.e. you can hold the price for required period. 11. ADDED VALUE. Consider what added value your company may offer e.g. environmental, social or community benefits; 12. EXPAND. Don’t rely on one sentence answers. Look at the scoring and expand including relevant information. 13. SIGN. Ensure you sign all documentation that it is necessary to sign and provide clear contact details; 14. DEBRIEF. If you are unsuccessful, you may ask for debrief in order to learn lessons for next time. IF IN DOUBT ASK
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Questions and Answers
Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Contact Details Mike Farren - Senior Procurement And Contracts Manager in Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management (CPCM)