Death & the Resurrections Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 12
1.Consider Jesus Christ’s unique perspective on life and death as the Creator who died & rose. 2.Examine what Jesus Christ reveals about life, death and resurrection in the Revelation. 3.Explore the idea that death is a “rest” or “sleep” until the resurrection. objectives Revelation Seminars 12 Death & the Resurrections
Q A Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands …
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … Death Q1 What experience did Jesus Christ, the Living One, once endure? Revelation 1:18 A Jesus said, “I was dead!” Q2 Why did Jesus Christ die? A 1 Revelation 1:5 2 Revelation 5:9 3 Revelation 7:14 to free us from sin to purchase us for God to wash us clean
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … Resurrection Q3 Jesus Christ died and rose for us. What is He called? Revelation 1:5 A The FIRSTBORN from the dead Q4 What does Jesus Christ now hold? Revelation 1:18 A The keys of death & the grave
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … Death & Resurrection "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." -- John 11:25
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection What Revelation reveals about LIFE – Q5 How did life begin? Revelation 4:11; 14:6,7 A God created
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection What Revelation reveals about DEATH – Q6 Is death the end? What does Jesus Christ's promise to the members of the church at Smyrna reveal? Revelation 2:8-11 A If faithful to death – Jesus gives life! Q7 When did Jesus Christ say He would REWARD people? Revelation 22:12 A When he comes again!
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection What Revelation reveals about DEATH – Q7 When did Jesus Christ say He would REWARD people? Revelation 22:12 A When he comes the second time! Q8 The SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST is pictured in Revelation 19:11-20:6. Who will be raised to be with Jesus at the time of His coming? Revelation 20:4 A Believers who have been persecuted & killed
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection What Revelation reveals about RESURRECTION – Q9 What resurrections are spoken of in Revelation? Revelation 20:4-6 A 1 The resurrection of believers 2 The resurrection of the rest! Q10 What is the resurrection of believers in Jesus Christ called? Revelation 20:4-6 A The FIRST resurrection
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection What Revelation reveals about RESURRECTION – THE RESURRECTION AND THE REWARDS OF BELIEVERS THE RESURRECTION AND DAMNATION OF UNBELIEVERS
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection Q11 Who will be raised in the second resurrection? Revelation 20:4-6 A The rest - unbelievers Q12 What period of time will separate the two resurrections? Revelation 20:5 A 1000 years Q13 Believers will be raised to life. To what will unbelievers be raised? Revelation 20:13-15 A The second death in fire!
Revelation Seminars 12 The RESURRECTION of believers & unbelievers – believersunbelievers
Revelation Seminars 12 What happens when a person dies? 1 Jesus understands … 2 Answers about Life, Death & Resurrection 3 Where Are All The People Who Have Died? Q14 Why are those who die as believers in Jesus Christ called "blessed"? Revelation 14:13 A They “rest” from their labour (work) Death is a rest! Death is called a sleep!
Revelation Seminars 12 Death is not the end … Q15 After the creation of the new earth, what will believers never again experience? Revelation 21:1-4 A There will be no more crying, pain or death!
Q true or false 1.Jesus Christ said that all who have died are in their graves. 2.Jesus Christ said that believers will be raised to be with Him when He comes. 3.Jesus Christ spoke of death as a ‘sleep”! 4.The Bible says that “the dead know nothing”! Q yes/no/not sure 5. If you were to die, do you think you would be ready to be raised in the first resurrection when Jesus Christ comes? Revelation Seminars 12 quiz
My Response... Q The Bible teachings all relate to each other – Jesus’ death &resurrection, His second coming, the 1,000 years, death & the two resurrections. How do you see each supporting the other? How do Bible teaching about death & resurrection influence your thinking about loved ones who have died? A Revelation Seminars 12 NewChurchLife Resource –
Death & the Resurrections Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 12