149 Chapter Seven Jesus Speaks: Sayings and Stories of the Kingdom
147 The “Kingdom” can’t be described or “explained” precisely. to describe a reality that is too big for words. This is why Jesus used parables -- It’s far greater and more magnificent than anything we can imagine or understand.
149 I Unlocking Jesus’ Words 1. Relied on his own authority 2. Relationship with his disciples A. Introduction: Jesus’ Style as a Teacher (review) Chose them, lifelong relationship, commissioned them to share in ministry 3. Referred to God as Abba, an intimacy not found in rabbis
Gospels: not records of everyday conversations B. Do we know what Jesus really said? a) The gospels are the early faith community’s reflections on and expressions of Jesus’ life and message as understood in the light of his resurrection. (I Unlocking Jesus’ Words)
b) not Jesus everyday casual conversations; rather his most significant thoughts & ideas -- expressed through the words of those who heard him, passed down for years via oral tradition.
Jesus’ Words -- and then some (B. Do we know what Jesus Really Said?) -- they also tell us the meaning they had for his followers. a. Gospels give us more than what He said
151 Spirit, we also believe that the words of Jesus as recorded in the gospels convey the truths he taught to his original followers b. Because Christians believe that the scriptures were inspired by the Holy (3. Jesus’ Words -- and Then Some)
151 Greek Greek Approach Orderly presentation Organization Intellectual truth Establish contact with the W WW Whole person, emotions and feelings as well as intellect. P “Poetic”“Scientific/ Analytic” Symbolism, figures of speech, stories &c. Logical proofs S-o-i-l Speak A “Around” topic, circular argument W-a-s-p Semitic vs. Semitic Thinking
Supporting statements with Scripture (C. A Jew Speaking to Fellow Jews) a) In the Jewish tradition of public speaking virtually every statement had to be supported with a quote from the Bible. b) Jesus knew his Bible well, and followed the tradition of filling his teachings with references to scripture. c) He often gave his own twist or insight to it.
153 II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech Short Sayings Instructions for disciples Pronouncement Stories Parables P. I. P. S.
Pronouncement Stories a. Use a story as a setup for a pronouncement - the “punch line”
153 Pronouncement Stories b. Sometimes an evangelist would start with a pronouncement of Jesus, and then write his own story for it, to meet the needs of his audience;
153 (A. Pronouncement Stories) b. 1. This explains how the exact same pronouncement can appear with two different stories.
154 II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech 2. Short Sayings 3. Instructions for disciples 1. Pronouncement Stories 4. Parables
155 II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech c. Classic collection of short sayings = “Sermon on the Mount” Matt. Ch Short Sayings a. Sayings or proverbs, “words to the wise,” with no story leading up to them. b. Stark challenging words
158 II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech 2. Short Sayings 3. Instructions for disciples 1. Pronouncement Stories 4. Parables
158 (II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech) a. Some of Jesus’ teachings are recorded as instructions to those who want to follow him. b. Sometimes these incorporate other forms such as short sayings, pronouncement stories. 3. Instructions for Disciples
158 C. Instructions for Disciples c. His instructions on prayer include “The Lord’s Prayer” Some suggest that the “Our Father” is the early Church’s attempt to summarize Christ’s major teachings.
158 II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech 2. Short Sayings 3. Instructions for disciples 1. Pronouncement Stories 4. Parables
158-9 (II Jesus’4 Main Styles of Speech) b. From the Greek word for “comparison.” 4. Parables c. Especially refers to Jesus’ stories about the Kingdom of God. c. Usually based on a “simile” a. Form a central part of the Gospels.
161 III A Closer Look at the Parables A. The technique of the Parables
161 A. The Technique of the Parables 1. Based on Everyday Life (III A Closer Look at the Parables) a.) The basic elements of the parables grew out of the land, culture and family life of the people: farming fishing shepherding meals b) They’re fiction, but never fantasies, fables, or sci-fi.
161 A. The Technique of the Parables 2. Have only ONE message, one simple point. (III A Closer Look at the Parables) 3. No descriptive details: No names of places or of people
161 (A. The Technique Behind the Parables) 4. Filled with Surprises a) Starting with an everyday occurrence, Jesus would add a surprise twist to it, such as a surprise ending. b) purposes of surprises i catch listeners off guard ii keep listeners alert iii make stories easy to remember
Make O nly O ne simple point Characteristics of Parables Mostly about God’s K ingdom Based on E veryday life S hort No D escriptive D etails Usually expressed as a “ S imile” E S O D S K S Filled with S urprises S.O.S. Tells a S tory S
161 III A Closer Look at the Parables B. Themes of the Parables
Descriptions of the King B. Themes of the Parables Deal with God’s nature, qualities, attitudes in dealing with people...
Requirements of the Kingdom B. Themes of the Parables Emphasize how we should act if we hope to enter the kingdom
Relationships with our neighbors B. Themes of the Parables Address people’s relationships of love for one another and for the world around them
The fulfillment of the Kingdom B. Themes of the Parables Refer to the future coming of God’s kingdom in its fullness
161 III A Closer Look at the Parables F. Multiple Uses of the Parables
165 (III A Closer Look at the Parables) 2. HOW COME? C. Multiple Uses of the Parables 1. FACT: The same parables are used in different gospels to teach different lessons
How come some parables teach different lessons in different gospels? a) Maybe Jesus himself used the same story more than once to illustrate different lessons? b) Maybe the gospel author changed the setting of the parable so as to better illustrate the point he wanted to make?
165 D. Understanding Parables Today III A Closer Look at the Parables
167 (III A Closer Look at the Parables) Intro.: We must let the parables challenge us today, let them speak to our own life situation -- and then we must accept the challenge D. Understanding the Parables Today
165-6 Three ways to make reading the parables more enjoyable and enlightening: D. Understanding the Parables Today 1) Look for the one central message 2) Look for the questions posed in parable 3) Compare your own answers with those recorded in the gospels
End of Chapter