H OW I T H APPENED ? Michael Jordan was inspired to play basketball because he liked basketball so he did it to prove people wrong because when he was younger he got kicked out of varsity for being to short.
M ICHAEL J ORDAN ' S M AJOR A CCOMPLISHMENTS AccomplishmentYear Scores winning points in NCAA championship game 1982 Named NBA Most Valuable Player 1988 Named NBA Rookie of the Year 1985
M ICHAEL J ORDAN ' S H OBBIES & I NTERESTS Michael Jordan also likes baseball. After he finished basketball season he went to baseball for his father and then went back to basketball. His father past away, and his father had long dreams of his son being a major league baseball player. In memory of his fathers death he played baseball for him.
P HOTO G ALLERY Michael Jordan has won 6 rings. Michael Jordan has won 14 trophies in total. Michael Jordan’s best performance was 63 points.