If it has no educational purpose, then it doesn’t belong at school Code of Conduct
Cell phones must be turned OFF and kept in backpacks. Other Electronic devices are NOT allowed!!!
Cellular Phone Policy 1. Phone confiscated. Student can pick up phone at end of day. 2. Phone confiscated. Parent must pick up phone at end of day. 3. Phone confiscated. Parent must meet with administrator. 4. Phone confiscated. Progressive discipline for defiance.
Bicycles, Skateboards, & Scooters Helmets MUST be worn. Helmets MUST be worn. Lock bicycles for security. Lock bicycles for security. Secure skateboards and scooters into cage. Secure skateboards and scooters into cage.
NO SHARPIES Permanent Markers and/or correction fluid (White Out) are NOT allowed. Permanent Markers and/or correction fluid (White Out) are NOT allowed. If these materials are needed in class a teacher will provide them for you. If these materials are needed in class a teacher will provide them for you.
. 1 st offense – Warning 1 st offense – Warning 2 nd offense – Teacher assigned detention 2 nd offense – Teacher assigned detention 3 rd offense – Administrator assigned detention 3 rd offense – Administrator assigned detention However, you may bring hard mints to keep your breath fresh
Inappropriate Behavior No “hugging ” No “kissing” No “play fighting” No “bullying” shoving/pushing Keep “hands” to self No selling of items on campus (unless school sponsored items) Student Agenda
NO Dangerous Objects!!! Guns or imitation guns of any kind Knives of any kind Laser Lights Lighters
Drug and Alcohol Items Beer, wine, etc. cigarettes marijuana pills
Vaping Pens
Internet Harassment New 2009 ed code addition New 2009 ed code addition (r) Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel. (r) Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel.
Internet Harassment This includes the transmission of communications, posting of harassing messages, direct threats, harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social networking sites, or other digital technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless device, cameras, computer or pager. This also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation. This includes the transmission of communications, posting of harassing messages, direct threats, harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social networking sites, or other digital technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless device, cameras, computer or pager. This also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation.
California Ed. Code (48900) California Ed. Code (48900) Suspendable Offenses Suspendable Offenses Fighting Fighting Possession of dangerous objects Possession of dangerous objects Possession of drugs or alcohol Possession of drugs or alcohol Robbery/Theft Robbery/Theft Damage to school/personal property Damage to school/personal property Disrupting school activities/Defy school personnel Disrupting school activities/Defy school personnel Threats/Harassment Threats/Harassment As of 2009 – Electronic harassment As of 2009 – Electronic harassment
Expulsion Expulsion Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense Possession of any knife, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil Unlawful possession of any controlled substance
Heritage Dress Code Dress Code “Dress to Impress”
Too Low, Too Short, Too Little, Too Tight Too Low, Too Short, Too Little, Too Tight
More of too short, too little
No unprotected leggings
Too Baggy, Too Saggy
Inappropriate T-Shirts Inappropriate T-Shirts Anything to do with tobacco, alcohol, sexual content, or violence
Wallet chains n Torn, Tattered Clothing
Hat Mishaps Hat Mishaps Sideways hat No Bandanas No Hats worn Backwards All Hats must be removed upon entering a building
Dress Code Policy 1. Students changed into P.E. clothes. Student may pick up clothing at end of day. 2. Students changed into P.E. clothes. Parent must pick up clothing at end of day. 3. Students changed into P.E. clothes. Parent must meet with administrator. 4. Students changed into P.E. clothes. Progressive discipline for defiance.
Morning Tardy Policy Morning Tardy Policy All students are expected to be on time to all classes 1 st & 2 nd Tardy – Documented Warning 3 rd & 4 th Tardy– 15 Minute Lunch Detention 5 th & 6 th Tardy – 30 Minute Lunch Detention 7 th Tardy- 60 Minute After School Detention 8 th Tardy – 60 Minute After School Detention & Restricted List 9 th Tardy - 60 Minute After School Detention 10th Tardy – 60 Minute After School Detention & Home Visit by an Administrator
Restricted List Generated Every Six Weeks Generated Every Six Weeks 3- N’s and/or 1- U 3- N’s and/or 1- U Suspensions Suspensions 2.0 GPA for Sports 2.0 GPA for Sports
Cheating Policy/Plagiarism 1 st Offense – Student receive a zero grade and parents notified 2 nd Offense - Student receive a zero grade and in-house suspension Repeat Offenses – Formal Suspensions Must put others’ words in quotes and cite source. Must put others’ words in quotes and cite source. No cutting and pasting from the internet No cutting and pasting from the internet 85% of the words must be your own 85% of the words must be your own
SOS Last trimester of 6 th grade to last trimester of 8 th grade. Last trimester of 6 th grade to last trimester of 8 th grade. 39 of 42 trimester credits needed 39 of 42 trimester credits needed No more than 3 F’s No more than 3 F’s SOS study packet SOS study packet Pass SOS test with 60% Pass SOS test with 60% Ineligible for end of the year activities 6 th, 7 th, & 8 th Ineligible for end of the year activities 6 th, 7 th, & 8 th
Renaissance Program.5 GPA Gain.5 GPA Gain 3.0 – 4.0 GPA 3.0 – 4.0 GPA Renaissance Reward Cards Renaissance Reward Cards 3.0 – 3.59 Honor Roll or.5 GPA Gain 3.0 – 3.59 Honor Roll or.5 GPA Gain Lunch time treats Lunch time treats P.E. Rewards P.E. Rewards 3.6 – 3.99 High Honor Roll 3.6 – 3.99 High Honor Roll Principal’s Honor Roll Principal’s Honor Roll All the above + All the above + Special HHR Activity Special HHR Activity
Citizenship Positive Behavior Positive Behavior Attendance Attendance Turning in & Completing Homework Turning in & Completing Homework Setting a Good Example Setting a Good Example
Rachel’s Challenge 1 Look for the best in others and eliminate prejudice 1 Look for the best in others and eliminate prejudice 2 Dare to dream. Set goals and keep a journal 2 Dare to dream. Set goals and keep a journal 3 Choose positive influences 3 Choose positive influences 4 Use kinds words, practice simple acts of kindness & get huge results 4 Use kinds words, practice simple acts of kindness & get huge results 5 Start a chain reaction 5 Start a chain reaction Will you take the challenge?
Acts Of Kindness Card A.O.K. cards are given to students who are “caught” doing the right thing. A.O.K. cards are given to students who are “caught” doing the right thing. Students write their names on the cards and turn them in to the student window Students write their names on the cards and turn them in to the student window Every Friday, Mrs. Rowland draws one per grade level from the box for gift card prizes Every Friday, Mrs. Rowland draws one per grade level from the box for gift card prizes You are A-OK! Thanks for doing the right thing. First Name_________________________ Last Name__________________________ Grade: 678 A cts Of Kindness Card
Rachel’s Chain Link Club Random Acts of Kindness Random Acts of Kindness New Student Greeters New Student Greeters Community Service Projects Community Service Projects