Acids and Bases Intro
Title: Acids and Bases Intro Learning Target: Differentiate between acids and bases. 1.4b DOL: In a Proficient CR, compare and contrast acids and bases, giving 2 specific characteristics of each.
Acids and Bases Guided Inquiry Lab Acids and bases play important role in our lives. Numerous biological processes, industrial applications, and even environmental problems are a function of the acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of aqueous solutions. It is therefore important to understand what makes a substance behave as an acid or a base when dissolved in water.
Model 1 – LAB Activity All solutions in bins except must share: Milk of Magnesia, Citric Acid and Phosphoric Acid Collect your data and clean up lab space. When finished, begin answering questions 1-5. 20 minutes TOTAL!!
Model 2 – Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Look at the reactions and answer question 6-9 as a table. Be ready to share out your answers with the class!
How did we do on the test? Progress monitoring graphing please! Calculate your score (%) on the test and graph it in the Assessments graph. Name: Solutions Unit Exam
Title: Homeostasis Extension Day Pull out computers and log onto Ms Gordon’s Website! Learning Target: Use computer simulations to model homeostatic mechanisms and explain how systems maintain homeostatic balance. 2.6d DOL: Given a regulatory system, explain and justify how it is an example of homeostasis in the body. 4pts
Some class discussion for background 1. What is considered normal body temp? 2. Why do you think that temperature is as high as it is on a hot summer day? 3. How do you think an organism and its cells are helped by a warm temperature? 4. Why is everyone’s temperature about the same?
Watch “Fever” and play around with “Function of Fever” to answer questions. 1. What sets body temp? What can change that set point? 2. How does stress affect the body’s temp? 3. How is fever different from a simple rise in body temperature? 4. What role might fever play in fighting infection? 5. Why does the body sweat when a fever breaks?
Do the “Body Control Center” Web activity, recording in your notebooks Do the “Body Control Center” Web activity, recording in your notebooks. Then answer: 1. What is homeostasis? 2. What controls human heart rate? When does it change? 3. How is respiration rate controlled? 4. Could you hold your breath indefinitely? What would happen? 5. In what different ways does the body control temperature? 6. How does the body maintain a steady blood sugar level? What happens if it is unable to? 7. What factors control blood pressure?
Check out the “Fighting Back” activity. Answer: 1. How does an invasion of bacteria affect the body’s normal balance? 2. How does the immune system fight an invasion?
DOL: Watch the following video, and then in your notebooks: Choose one of the regulatory systems or scenarios you have learned about and EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY How it is an example of homeostasis in the body. (3-4 sentences)