Joanne Collins HR Business Partner Dalehead Foods Linton Cambridgeshire
Dalehead Foods Division of Tulip Ltd 4 Factories and BQP Dedicated to Waitrose Supplying Pork, Lamb, Bacon, Sausage, Sliced Cooked Meats 1500 people 65% Migrant Workforce
What is Health & Wellbeing? ‘a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of illness’ ( WHO )
Lets start at the beginning… Business needs? Employee needs? Best Practice and Support?
Equipped For Life Aims to support employees and their families in many aspects of life in, around and beyond the workplace Covering health, education, personal development and the local community
Focus on Health Support to stop smoking Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle advice Free Health Checks Free health information and education Employee Care (EAP)
Focus on Wellbeing Cycle To Work scheme Fruity Friday – subsidised fruit Health Food Options in canteens Discounted Gym Membership Inter-site Active Challenges Confidential Reporting Line Best Doctors
Money Matters Childcare Vouchers Westfield Health Cash Plan Subsidised Clothing My Tulip Rewards After Work Clubs Love Food Hate Waste
Community Matters Give n Gain Day Charity Fund Raising Fun Days & Christmas Parties Tulip Lotto BITC Business Class
Achievements in 2014 Pedometer Challenge – 134 people (3.8 mill steps) Health Checks – 500 in 12 months £34,000 raised for local charities Give n Gain – over 100 hours volunteering Over 50% signed up to Tulip Rewards
Keep it alive
Makes Real Business Sense Promotes Higher Staff Engagement Lower staff turnover/Lower absenteeism Reducing costs and increasing productivity Employer of Choice Taking responsibility for education of employees in health & wellbeing Helps to attract and retain the best people Supplier of Choice Demonstrates our commitment to our customers values Put us ahead of our competitors – Ethical Audits Improves our reputation as a business
Award Winning
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