Engineers’ Council Funding Request Presentation [Team/Organization Name] [Presenter(s) Name(s)]
[Team/Org Name] use this slide to explain your team/org Who you are, what you do, etc. Member Benefits
Statistics Total number of members: [ # ] Number of Active Members (3 or more events attended per semester): [#] Attendance Eligibility: [yes/no] Volunteer Hours [#] When was the last time you fund requested? [Semester, Year]
Annual Budget The $$$ amounts must be shown, amounts and categories must be specific, remember we are auditing now Total Budget = [$]
Sources of Funding Must show $$$ amounts, DO NOT INCLUDE ECOUNCIL ON HERE, keep information specific Total funding = [$] 40% of Total Funding = [.4*total]
Fund Request We are requesting [$$$$] from E-Council for [……..] (we are not funding food, please find a more valuable cause for the College’s money) Some visual representation of your student org, event, or activity (picture, video < 30 seconds, etc.), related to where your funds will go