IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 21 EMS INSTRUCTOR TRAINING PROGAM Roles and Responsibilities Douglas Richardson EMT-P
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 22 Objectives Define five instructor roles. Demonstrate the ability to use three types of feedback appropriately. List two guidelines for effective team teaching. List four attributes of an effective instructor.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 23 Instructor Roles Administrator Counselor Disciplinarian Evaluator Facilitator Mentor Presenter Representative Role model Supervisor
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 24 Administrative Duties Scheduling Communication Facilities Equipment and supplies Record keeping
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 25 Administrator As an administrator, you may be responsible for overall course operations and logistics An effective administrator must be organized, detail-oriented, and must be an effective communicator
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 26 Counselor/Advisor Students depend on you for advice and good judgement. Characteristics –Trustworthy –Empathetic –Active listener Establish open and trusting relationship.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 27 Disciplinarian Coach Sets and enforces standards
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 28 Problem Students and Challenging Situations Hesitant student Monopolizing student “Voice of Experience” student Non-listening students Idea-zapping students
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 29 Problem Students and Challenging Situations Complaining or negative students Rigid viewpoints Hostility and anger The “Clown”
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 210 Feedback For whatever reason the role of disciplinarian becomes necessary, an instructor can coach students to help overcome performance difficulties. One way to do this is to provide appropriate feedback.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 211 Feedback Positive feedback Constructive feedback Corrective feedback
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 212 Positive Feedback Reinforces desirable behavior Great morale booster Only use when appropriate Do not overuse Do not patronize
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 213 Constructive Feedback Describe don’t label Don’t exaggerate Non-Judgmental Use “I Feel” statements State consequences clearly
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 214 Corrective Feedback Analyze performance Identify correct and incorrect components Provide specific information Student improves performance Give positive feedback
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 215 Evaluator In your role as an evaluator, you compare performance against standards. The standards should be clearly stated in the lesson objectives. A variety of informal and formal methods can be used to evaluate student progress.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 216 Forms of Evaluation Written and oral tests/quizzes Essay Questions Practical Exams Project Assignments Observational Reports Presentation Checklists Peer Review Question and Answer
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 217 Facilitator As a facilitator, the instructor aids or assists the student in the learning process. This is accomplished by using facilitation skills to make the students feel free to comment and ask questions.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 218 Facilitative Teaching Comprehension increases “Processing and application” time Adult learners Promote active learning
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 219 Mentor A mentor is a person who facilitates personal and professional growth.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 220 Mentor Profile Good mentors are generally high achievers and are confident of their own position. Mentors motivate. Mentors recognize the unique strength of each student, while being aware of and accepting his/her weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 221 Presenter Perhaps one of the most visible roles of the instructor is that of presenter. Effective presenters must be able to gain and maintain their audience’s attention.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 222 Presenter Presentations should be –Plausible –Relevant –Vivid
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 223 Representative Another important role for the instructor is that of representative, an authorized delegate of state and national EMS organizations. She/he can also act as a representative to local government.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 224 Role Model Role models serve as examples of achievements, positive attitudes, and admirable characteristics.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 225 Role Model High standards –Professionally –Personally Hard work Dedication Genuinely caring manner
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 226 Supervisor Directs and inspects performance
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 227 Supervisor Directs and inspects performance –Assistant instructors –Guest speakers Coordination of equipment and instructional aids Ensures continuity between sessions Ensures professional conduct
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 228 Team Teaching There are times when a team teaching approach provides significant advantages to students. Team teaching is an art. It requires a sensitivity to your colleague's teaching style, body language, and speaking patterns.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 229 Team Teaching Diverse teams offer a broad range of expertise and generally enhance facilitator credibility. A variety of classroom or group interaction styles and voices will hold the audience’s attention longer.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 230 Team Teaching Increasing the facilitator-to-participant ratio allows for more individual attention during group exercises and case studies. A team approach can add a dynamic synergy to the teaching experience and enhance creativity through the interaction of the team members.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 231 Team Teaching Two or more facilitators help keep the course moving better e.g., one facilitates and the other writes on the flipchart/overhead
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 232 Team Teaching Identify the relative strengths of each team member. Arrange participation to maximize each member’s strengths Agree on how to handle interactions, disagreement, etc. Agree on how to transition from one instructor to the other. Plan to debrief afterward.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 233 Team Teaching Team teaching is like learning how to dance; it is important to avoid stepping on your partner’s toes.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 234 Characteristics of Effective Instructors Every instructor displays an individual personality, yet there are certain similarities amongst those who are truly effective. The most highly rated instructors are knowledgeable about the subject matter, effective in transmitting that information, motivated to provide the best instruction possible, and concerned about their students.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 235 Characteristics of Effective Instructors Ethical Fair Professional Prepared Giving and earning respect
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 236 Application Instructor roles. Types of feedback. Guidelines for effective team teaching Attributes of an effective instructor
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 237 Summary This lesson outlined the many roles, responsibilities and attributes of EMS instructors and offered guidelines for functioning effectively in each role.
IDPH Lead InstructorUnit 238 Roles and Responsibilities Questions?