PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU The EDAEP provides funding to organisations to support Aboriginal education, employment and training by subsidising the salary, development and support costs of Aboriginal employees in a public service agency or local council funding innovative community projects supporting work experience for aboriginal students in their final year of a degree or post degree course. State Training Services Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program (EDAEP) School Based Traineeship Element: subsidises the salary of a School Based Traineeship in a NSW public service agency or local government authority.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program (EDAP) 21 Trainees employed by DEC in 2014 Reporting requirements- 3 employer reports over two years on Trainees progress to STS STS monitoring visits- 3 over two years Financial report required in Unspent funds to be returned to State Training Services. 20 Trainees currently being recruited to commence in 2015
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Aboriginal Education Support Traineeships Qualification: CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support at TAFE Western Institute. Paid Employment: 100 days of paid employment (600 hours) working in a DEC Primary School or Central School as a School Learning Support Officer (SLSO). Wages: Elsa Dixon funding covers the full wages for each of the School Based Trainees including on costs and superannuation. Aboriginal Mentor: A Mentor is provided by State Training Services ‘Way Ahead Mentoring Program’. /
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Qualification CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support Delivered by TAFE NSW Western Institute. How is it delivered? Weekly VC session with Trainer for an hour Online work via Moodle Support from Trainer via phone, and Moodle 5 days a week Cluster Meetings once per Term- face to face with Trainer TAFE Workplace Trainer and Assessor visits the work place to assess trainees on the job.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Qualification Meeting BOSTES Requirements: Board Endorsed Course (BEC)- Education Support (420 hour course)- 7 units 3 Units x 2 years (3 units towards Preliminary and 3 units towards HSC) 1 unit x 1 year specialisation (Preliminary or HSC year) Student can also do Industry Based Learning (2 units x 2 years)
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Application Process DEC applies for Elsa Dixon funding to secure Trainee wages. Once funding is secured: High School students working with the Careers Adviser submit an application form to be involved in the AEST Program. This includes providing copies of reports and Year 9 Naplan results. Primary School forward an expression of interest to become a partner in the AEST Program. The High School and Primary School have to commit to providing a support person to assist the Trainee in this program, if possible an Aboriginal staff member. Each of the Trainees is then interviewed by the AEST Program Panel including a Principal, Senior Pathways Officer and an Aboriginal representative. Each Trainee is then allocated to a Primary School to complete 100 days of paid employment
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Current pay rates for a School Based Trainee: Year 11- $10.56 an hour /Year 12 - $11.41 per hour Employment in a Primary School Trainees employed a minimum of one day a week working as a SLSO. Primary School Teacher is a work place Trainer/Supervisor and is required to report back to TAFE. Trainees work a maximum of 6 hours 15 minutes Students are exempt from a Working with Children Check until they turn 18. All Trainees are to be treated as a casual employee in the Primary School and should attend Staff Professional Development Days. Trainees should be supervised at all times and should not be left alone with students.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU To ensure the Traineeship is successful Clear and effective communication is required between the High School and Primary School All support staff and wrap around services put in place to support the Trainee i.e. Norta Norta Tutors, support personnel in both the High School and Primary School and external agencies Effective communication between all stakeholders Staff in the High School supporting the Trainee
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU The success of our pilot in 2014 would have not been possible without the support of our key partners. Currently there are 21 Trainees working in Western NSW Schools. Additional Partnerships for the current AEST Program Access Group Training/Western Student Connections have partnered with TAFE to provide Cluster Meetings to occur once per term. This incorporates cultural activities and aspirational building activities. Skillset have funded the wages for an additional 11 students to be employed by Primary Schools through IYCP funding and provided their own mentoring program. DEC Primary Schools and High Schools have provided support personnel in their schools to assist the trainee and ensure the success of this program.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU Contacts if you require further information: Karen Pickering- Senior Pathways Officer (DEC) Ph. (02) Mobile Jacqueline Smith- SBAT Coordinator (TAFE Western) Ph. (02) Mobile QUESTIONS ??????
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSWWWW.SCHOOLS.NSW.EDU.AU HLT32512 Certificate III Health Services Assistance Pilot at Canobolas Rural Technology High School- Health Trade School One traineeship in Allied Health and one in Nursing If it’s successful? Health Traineeships- Pilot project