New Innovations for Residents Duty Hours
Resident Introduction
For help with entering duty hours
Duty Hours Resident Introduction
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Justifications & Causes What is a justification? Residents in the final years of their program can use a Justification to explain why they violated the 24+4 rule or the Short Break rule. The justification is submitted in writing to the Program Director for review. The PD can remove the violation or let it stand. You are required to enter a justification all rule violations as well as short breaks. What is a cause? A cause is an explanation of the cause of any violation. Providing a cause helps your Program Director and GME identify situations where residents are exceeding duty hour rules to see if changes can be made to eliminate these violations in the future. Your program may require you to enter a reason any time you have a violation.
Justify Violations Resident Introduction Enter written justification for violations of 24+ or Short Break rule and submit to your Program Director…
Causes for Violations Resident Introduction Add a cause for any violation. Click on the name of the rule, then click Add a cause Add a cause for any violation. Click on the name of the rule, then click Add a cause
Add Cause Select the cause, then click Add. You may add as many causes as needed. Resident Introduction
Common Errors in entering Duty Hours- Short Break If a resident works in the clinic from 8-12, and then works an ER shift from 5pm -7am and enters those duty hours as above, the system sees them as “shifts” and requires 10 hours between the shifts.
Solution? Short break logging error If a resident works in the clinic from 8-12, and then works an ER shift from 5pm -7am, they should enter their hours from the time they arrived on campus and left campus. (Think of punching in and out)
Common Errors in entering Duty Hours If you worked 26 hours, you must switch your duty type for any time over 24 hours. If you log all 26 hours as planned duty hours, a violation will occur.
Solution? logging error Hours after 24 must be logged as post-call/transition time.
FAQs Can I log my duty hours from my mobile device? Yes! You can download the app. from the android market or the Search the term NI GME. For help on logging from your mobile device, select help when you are logged into NI and search duty hours. A quick start guide for mobile logging is available.