Role of Ministry of Gender at One Stop Centres Dominic Misomali Justin Hamela Ministry of Gender, Children, Disabilities and Social Welfare
Learning Objectives The participant will be able to: Understand the national and international laws that serve as the basis for the Ministry of Gender’s role in addressing child abuse and gender-based violence. Explain the role of social welfare workers in assessing families and providing case management. Understand the role of social welfare workers within the one stop centre multidisciplinary team.
Presentation Outline Introduction The Role of MoGCSW The Mandate of Social Welfare The Role of a Social Worker The Role of Community Child Protection Worker July 2014 MOGCDSW 3
Introduction GBV and Child abuse have detrimental effects to its victims. It affects women and men and children. Malawi is a party to CEDAW, ACRWC, CRC. Being a member Malawi is to take necessary measures to protect its citizens from abuse and violence. MOGCSW has that shared responsibility to prevent the occurrence, protect and support survivors. July 2014 MOGCDSW 4
Mandate from National Law The national laws have provide of government responsibilities and that of specific departments or Ministry Sec 23- chpt. 4 of the Malawi Constitution provides “protection against any kind of exploitation” to all children under the age of 16 Sec 138 of the penal code states that “girls under the age of 13 years should be protected from sexual exploitation i.e sexual intercourse or attempted sexual intercourse July 2014 MOGCDSW 5
Legal instruments that guide the Ministry Malawi Constitution Child Care, Protection and Justice Act, 2010 Adoption of Child Act Married Women Maintenance Act Wills and Inheritance Act Prevention of Domestic Violence Act Probation of Offenders Act Statement of Development Policies NGO law Cabinet Directive of 1964, 1995 National Policies; ECD, OVC, Gender, NPA July 2014 MOGCDSW 6
The Role of MoGCSW The name MoGCDSW connotes its mandate It has departments of Gender, Community Development, Social Welfare, Child affairs and Disabilities. It looks at the wellbeing of marginalised groups as women, children, people with disabilities and other vulnerable poor people in the society. It has mandates for Policy making and provision of legal direction and enforcement Social work is its professional approach used July 2014 MOGCDSW 7
Introduction to Social Work Social work its profession for helping people help themselves and their communities in addressing the problems they faced. Malawi has the demand for social work due to growth of population, weakening of community bonds, poverty and its accompanying ills. Increasingly more and more people are unable to socially function and this in turn has led to widespread social dysfunction and a greater demand for social work. July 2014 MOGCDSW 8
Main focus and goal of social work Restoration: The social worker helps clients to face realities and to solve problems. Social work help to solve personal, group and community problems. This involves provision of individual and social resources and services The services include: Provision of individual and social resources and services Assist individuals find their ground July 2014 MOGCDSW 9
Main focus and goal of social work Prevention of social dysfunction: This involves early discovery, control, and elimination of conditions and situations that potentially could hamper social functioning. This operates at two levels: Prevention of problems through counselling. Prevention of social ills through advocacy and action against social ills. July 2014 MOGCDSW 10
Importance of social work Empowers individuals and groups with a collective identity to handle themselves Strengthens and uses existing resources Recognizes, clients inherent resources and potential problem Recognizes that clients have solutions to problems July 2014 MOGCDSW 11
Problems that needs social work Family disorganisation and child neglect: eg child neglect Crime and delinquency: Social workers deal with prevention of crime as well as helping those in crime to seek ways of reforming. Substance abuse Gender Based Violence July 2014 MOGCDSW 12
Social problems that need social work Poverty Mental illness: –addressing the needs of those mentally ill and their relatives.(social workers and medical personnel can work together) Problems of aging: – addressing the needs of the ageing. July 2014 MOGCDSW 13
Challenges of social work The professional is hardly recognized and respected It is usually under funded It is usually adopted and claimed by non- professionals/untrained social workers there by harming clients instead of supporting them In Malawi we have no regularatory body nor association for social workers. July 2014 MOGCDSW 14
Some of the Functions of Social Workers in Case Management 1.Initial Assessment and Investigation Stage a)Work with OSC MDT and determine occurrence of abuse or neglect. b)Assess the family environment vs cultural and family beliefs. c)Assess level of risk of the survivor. d)Determine emergency needs of the survivor and service required.. : July 2014 MOGCDSW 15
2. Case Planning and Service Delivery Stage Safety and security mechanisms in order for the client to return home Finding alternative placement for the survivor Providing psychosocial counseling for both the survivor and caregiver Consultations with caregivers as well as mapping significant people. Follow up using networks with various stakeholders such as community child protection workers Social workers need to obtain informed consent from the survivor July 2014 MOGCDSW 16
3. Referral and transfer of cases Referral means transferring the client from one social worker to another within the same agency, the client should however know the new social worker. Clients may be referred when necessary. Caseworker may continue to work with the client after referral eg follow up. Clients should be involved in decision making July 2014 MOGCDSW 17
4. Case Closure A case can be closed when a client is safe from re- victimization, Or when survivor is coping well, Or the survivors needs have been met and is satisfied Or the survivor has been reintegrated back into her family/community Periodic home visits are conducted to see how the survivor is settling. July 2014 MOGCDSW 18
General Responsibilities at OSC Maintain and manage OSC data. Compile quarterly report and submit to relevant authorities. Organise monthly home visit to survivors of abuse. Maintain and update the referral database and catalogue of organization serving abused children. Organize for monthly case review meeting with OSC team. Make case follow ups to Police Stations on the progress of abuse cases reported to them in liaison with the OSC police officer. July 2014 MOGCDSW 19
The Role of Community Child Protection Worker at OSC Manage abuse cases. Refer cases to the colleagues from the community where the client is coming from. Conduct home follow ups. Refer the cases to other service providers. Conduct communities sensitizations. July 2014 MOGCDSW 20
The End YEWO July 2014 MOGCDSW 21