1 Infrastructure Trial Running a Dress Rehearsal TA Directions
CCSD Testing Site 2 Visit and explore this site Bookmark this site This is the central location for all we are doing in testing. It will be referenced frequently in this PPT.
Introduction/Purpose 3 Dress Rehearsal The purpose of an infrastructure trial is to confirm that: Devices can successfully run PARCC Assessments Network will bear the full load Participating staff know what to do for PARCC computer-based assessments Students are familiar with the computer-based tools and format
Infrastructure Trial 4 An Infrastructure Trial is an opportunity for the testing coordinators, schools, teachers, and students to prepare for the computer-based PARCC Test by simulating test-day network utilization. The Infrastructure Trial should take approximately minutes to administer.
Infrastructure Trial 5 Who are involved? – Technology Dept. – District Test Coordinators (DTC) – School Test Coordinators (STC) – Test Administrators (TA) – Students
Username & PW 6 You will first need to have a working Username and Password. If you don’t at this point, please see your STC ASAP! They will contact Data/Assessment and get that remedied. Username = district Password = whatever you set up
Infrastructure Trial- Where Is PearsonAccess?! 7 The Infrastructure Trial is conducted using the PearsonAccess next Training site. The link is : Or you can visit our district testing site at: Select “More” Select “PARCC Portal” Click on BROWN picture
Logging In 8 Make sure you see BROWN! After you log in, choose the PARCC Op Spring PBA 2015 from the dropdown located at the top center
9 You are successfully in once you see this screen.
What do I have to do!? 10 You are responsible for taking one of your classes to the computer lab. That class will get the opportunity to log in and complete a practice test. You will get the chance to simulate giving a PARCC test session. The trial will begin Thurs., Jan. 29 th and will end Thurs., Feb. 12 th. Your building’s STCs will be setting up the schedule with you. The practice test your students will be taking is linked to what subject you teach. So if you teach 5 th math, your session will be a 5 th Math Practice Test. If you don’t teach Language Arts or Math, discuss this with your STC. You may not be needed for this trial. All sessions & students have already been loaded into this site for you.
Step 1 11 Morning of your session Pick up your Student Testing Tickets from your STC. These tickets will be printed out by your STC and will need to be returned afterwards. A sample Student Testing Ticket is available on the website. It is under “Infrastructure Resources.”
Step 2 12 Arrive to computer lab Get your students all situated and pass out their tickets. Log in to the PearsonAccess Training Site. This was just covered on slides 8-10 of this PPT. Bookmark the training site, if you can. Remember, you can also access it via
Step 3 13 Read the Script The script will be given to you by your STC or is available on the website. It is under “Infrastructure Resources.” NOTE: The script says that the login screen will already be showing. It won’t!
Step 3 (cont.) 14 Your students will need to access Canton City School District’s homepage. Then have them click on the “house” icon at the top, left. Drop down to “Links” and select “PARCC Infrastructure Trial.” The following should now be visible: Now you can begin reading the script.
Step 4 15 During your session Circulate as needed and keep time (computers won’t time out!) Monitor the class through the PearsonAccess site “Resume” a student if the student gets kicked out of the site and needs to log back in Mark a student “completed” if he/she runs out of time (You will determine if time is up, not the computer!) Directions for “Resuming” and “Marked Complete”
Step 4 (cont.) 16 “Resuming”: Follow the Test Path “A” directions “Marked Complete”: Follow the Test Path “B” directions These are available on the website under “Infrastructure Resources.”
Step 4 17 After your session Check in PearsonAccess to see that all of the students have a blue indicator showing they have completed the test or were marked complete by you because they ran out of time. Collect the session tickets and give them back to your STC. Let the STC know you are finished. You do not need to stop the session. Your STC will do that later. Provide feedback ASAP via Survey Monkey.
Feedback 18 After you participate in the trial, we are asking you to provide feedback on your session to Data and Assessment via this Survey Monkey link: This link is also available on our testing site. Select “More” and “Infra Trial Survey.”
Example Session Screen 19 An example of a math class for Mr. Buda All of his students will scroll below here
This is a just a trial… 20 … we know things are going to go wrong. … we need your input afterwards. … we appreciate your patience. Thank you