edConnectNJ Welcome! Instructors: Add your name as instructor.
Objectives: Finding and Distributing Student EdConnect Usernames and Passwords Finding the Online Passcode for the Benchmark Helping Students Enter the Test Code for the Benchmark Assessment Scoring Open Ended Responses Accessing Student Scores
For this session, we will use the training site. (trainedconnectnj For this session, we will use the training site. (trainedconnectnj.schoolnet.com) For the actual benchmark assessment, you will use the LIVE SITE. (edconnectnj.schoolnet.com)
How to Access Students’ EdConnect Usernames and Passwords
Step 1: Go to trainedconnectnj.schoolnet.com and log in Make sure the drop down menu says NJ Training District. For Username, enter the teacher username on the piece of paper you have been given. The password is back2school
Step 2: Scroll down and select the “Upcoming Tests” tab
Step 3: Click on the Test the Students will be taking
Step 4: Click on View Usernames
Step 5: View the Usernames, Print and Distribute
How to Find the Online Test Code for the Benchmark Assessment
Step 1: Go to trainedconnectnj.schoolnet.com and log in Make sure the drop down menu says NJ Training District. For Username, enter the teacher username on the piece of paper you have been given. The password is back2school
Step 2: Scroll down and select the “Upcoming Tests” tab
Step 3: Take Note of the Online Passcode The Online Passcode is here
How to Help Students Access Tests in EdConnect
Step 1: Go to trainedconnectnj.schoolnet.com and log in Make sure the drop down menu says NJ Training District. For Username, enter the name on the slip of paper you have. The password is back2school
Step 2: Students will enter the code for the upcoming test Students will enter the test code you give them here, and click GO
How to Score Open Ended Responses
Step 1: Log in to EdConnect (edconnectnj.schoolnet.com) For this demonstration, I am using the training site. The procedures are the same for the live site. On the live site, you will select Elizabeth Public Schools in place of NJ Training District
Step 2: Scroll down and select the “Upcoming Tests” tab
Step 3: Click on the Test the Students will be taking
Step 4: Click Score Test
Step 5: Click on By Open Response Item
Step 6: Enter the Score for the Response
Step 7: When You Have Scored Each Response, Click on Score
How to Access Student Scores
Step 1: Go to trainedconnectnj.schoolnet.com and log in Make sure the drop down menu says NJ Training District. For Username, enter the teacher username on the piece of paper you have been given. The password is back2school
Step 2: Scroll down and select the “District and Local Tests” tab
Step 3: Scroll down and select the “Assessment Details” tab and select the test you are looking for
Step 4: Scroll down and view results