26 November Pens Down! ESOL Entry Level 1, 2 & 3
Starter Think of 5 things you would never learn in school. In pairs, think of 10 things you would never do in school.
Literacy ICT AFL Pace Thinking Questioning Numeracy Teamwork Stretch & Challenge Motivated & Engaged EAL Oracy Starter Plenary VLE Objectives: Develop speaking skills to Entry Level 1/2 standard Outcomes - You will be able to: Explain things you would never do Use connectives. Justify why something is the odd one out State your opinion and argue your point of view. Develop your persuasive speaking skills. Oracy Literacy
Which is the odd one out? Justify your answer. Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard.
Which is the odd one out? Justify your answer. Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard.
Which is the odd one out? Justify your answer. Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard.
Which is the odd one out? Justify your answer. Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard. brave better beautiful handsome
Which of these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives? Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard. chair aeroplane elephant kick walking quick grey singing eating sleep pretty cloud comfortable
Connectives – choose one of these connectives and say a sentence using the connective appropriately. During EL2 In particular EL3 Similarly EL2 Especially EL1 Especially EL3 Because EL1 Although EL3 Also EL1 Except EL2
Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL1 & EL2 standard. Choose one of the following statements. Work in threes. Persuade your partners that this statement is justified. 1.It is cruel to keep animals in a zoo. 2.Girls work harder than boys. 3.Aliens have visited the earth. 4.Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. 5.Films with violence and bad language should never be shown on television. 6.War is always wrong.
Objective: To improve speaking & listening skills to EL2 & EL3 standard. Endangered Pandas Pandas are rare today and are protected in by law in China. In 1963, the first panda was exhibited in a zoo outside China. Today, there are more than a number of pandas in zoos across the world. Pandas can be seen in zoos in Washington D.C., Mexico City, London, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris and Berlin. All pandas in zoos are given double names: this is a Chinese custom, which indicates affection. For example Tian Tian; Chi Chi; Ming Ming and Bao Bao. Scientists study the zoo pandas in hope to learn how to save wild pandas from extinction. There are only about 700 to 1000 pandas alive in the world today. Imagine you are one of the scientists researching pandas and a philanthropist has come to you and offered you a substantial research grant if you persuade them that your research deserves this funding. They ask you ‘What makes a panda so special that it should be saved?’ … your response is crucial. Tian – heaven; Chi – energy; Ming – bright; Bao - treasure
Plenary 10 vivos 5 vivos 3 vivos