NS5 Work Orders How to Create a Work Order for an Unplanned Event
By now you should all be familiar with creating, completing and closing work orders from the standard jobs in the Maintenance Time plan. However, there are many events on the ship that are unplanned that also need to be documented in NS5.
Damage to major equipment or systems needs to be documented. These would be critical systems such as propulsion, electrical, potable water, waste water, navigation. Critical equipment would be things like crane, A-frame winch, engines, generators, propeller shaft, anchor winch, GPS equipment, SOLAS crane, etc.
If the hull springs a leak, the generator needs replacing, the bow thruster fails to work properly or the water maker needs repair– these are things that need to be documented in NS5 as a New Work Order.
Here’s how you make a new work order: Log in to NS5 and choose the Maintenance Module
Open a new work order Click on the New Work Order icon on the top left of your screen
Enter a short description for the title Here you just need a short description, like hole in hull, tugger failure, level wind failure Larger projects can go under a single title: port engine rebuild, forward deck plating replaced
If the job is related to major equipment, link the WO to that equipment Click the button to the right of the equipment bar to get a list of major equipment
Check the box next to the equipment name Check the open box to the left of equip. Click the blue check at the top of the window
Then add detailed description Add a more detailed description in the Description field. Describe the steps taken and how it was finally resolved.
Save the new WO Click on the “save” icon at the top of the window
The job is to remain open until it has been completely resolved Add weekly updates until the problem is solved
Put the date and your name each time you add notes
Close when job is completed