To Be a Hero Concept Vocabulary
DO NOW 8-21-14 Think of as many words as you can that you associate with what it means to be a hero. Write the words down on a piece of paper. If you have your signed syllabus, take that out. I will collect it when I come in the room.
Concept Vocabulary Today, we will define words that will be useful for us to know while we are studying the theme “To Be a Hero” If you had to guess, what vocabulary words do you think would fit for the theme?
Predictions and Context Clues Before looking at the definitions of the words, we will be doing one of two things. We will either PREDICT what the words means, using what we already know OR We will read a context clues sentence and try to DERIVE the meaning of the unknown word.
DO NOW 8-22-14 Give me three examples of hero. For each example, explain why the person is a hero.
Derive (context clues) Word: antagonist Context Clues sentence: Harry Potter faced his antagonist, Lord Voldemort, in the Chamber of Secrets. Definition: an adversary or opponent of a protagonist or hero
Predict Word: anti-hero How would you define this word? Definition: the protagonist of a story who lacks generally accepted heroic qualities
Predict Word: champion How would you define this word? Definition: warrior, fighter, or first-place winner
Derive (context clues) Word: chivalry Context Clues sentence: John was the king’s favorite knight because he was the most chivalrous. The king could trust him with anything and knew that John was respected by the king’s subjects. Definition: code of honorable conduct for medieval knights
Predict Word: courage How would you define this word? Definition: strength to overcome fears, dangers, or difficulties
Predict Word: cowardice How would you define this word? Definition: lack of courage
Predict Word: defender How would you define this word? Definition: one who protects others, often by driving away danger or attack
Derive (context clues) Word: gallantry Context Clues sentence: I admire the gallantry with which Joe fought the disease. Definition: acts of courage or bravery
Predict Word: hero How would you define this word? Definition: a figure whom others admire for his or her noble conduct, achievements, or qualities; heroine sometimes used for female hero
Derive (context clues) Word: ideal Context Clues sentence: Surprisingly, Susie’s ideal man is tall, lanky, and covered in freckles. Definition: standard of excellence
Predict Word: inspiration How would you define this word? Definition: moving a person’s emotions or thoughts to a positive end
Predict Word: mentor How would you define this word? Definition: a guide, coach, or person that others follow
Derive (context clues) Word: model Context Clues sentence: Her work has become a model to/for other writers. Definition: ideal pattern to imitate
Derive (context clues) Word: paragon Context Clues sentence: Pam is a paragon of proper classroom behavior. She doesn’t speak while others are speaking, raises her hand to speak, and energetically participates in all classroom activities. Definition: a supreme model set up as a comparison or inspiration
Predict Word: perseverance How would you define this word? Definition: persisting in spite of obstacles
Derive (context clues) Word: protagonist Context Clues sentence: Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist of The Hunger Games series. Definition: a main character in a piece of ltierature
Derive (context clues) Word: redeemer Context Clues sentence: He was considered the redeemer of the family's reputation. His positive behavior changed the negative opinion his neighbor’s had of his family. Definition: a person who wins back or frees another from a dilemma
Derive (context clues) Word: titan Context Clues sentence: Lebron James was a titan for the Miami Heat. Now, we will see if he can become the same for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Definition: word taken from the name of a mythological giant; used now for one who stands our for great achievement or character
Derive (context clues) Word: valor Context Clues sentence: The soldier received the nation's highest award for valor after saving his fellow soldiers lives. Definition: courage
Derive (context clues) Word: victor Context Clues sentence: Who will become the victor or in the 8th grade Tug-of-War contest? Definition: winner or conqueror
Cinquain Poems Example Poem: Coal Black and shiny A Cinquain poem is a five line poem that is used to define a term It follows the following format: Vocab word Two adjectives Three action verbs A four-word sentence or phrase Ending word Example Poem: Coal Black and shiny Smolder, burn, pollute A source of energy Limited
Cinquain Poems Example Poem: Hero Selfless and strong Save, protect, inspire It can be anyone Icon Cinquain Poems A Cinquain poem is a five line poem that is used to define a term It follows the following format: Vocab word Two adjectives Three action verbs A four-word sentence or phrase Ending word (try and make it a synonym) Example Poem: Champion Strong and smart Win, believe, beat The best there is Master
Cinquain Poems You must make a cinquain poem for the following words: Antagonist Anti-hero Perseverance Paragon Redeemer Protagonist