27-29.05.2015, Kaunas, Baltic Dynamics Open Innovation management competence wanted: the voice of European industries: (Results from OI – NET European wide industry survey on open innovation management) prof. Monika Petraitė, Open Innovation research cluster School of Economics and Business, Kaunas university of technology, Lithuania 27-29.05.2015, Kaunas, Baltic Dynamics
INTRODUCTION OI – NET - a network of 52 partners, representing 35 countries Academic partners, as well as EFMD and ISPIM participate in the organization We aim at professionalization of OI management in Europe, as well as development of innovative study and training curriculum for higher education, executive education, and in – house training for innovation managers, based on th empirical evidence. Open access to results: http://www.oi-net.eu/
Survey design The questionnaire covers the following broad topic areas: Current state of open innovation adoption in the industry; Perceived importance of open innovation for the industry currently and in the near future; Current level of open innovation knowledge and skills with industry employees; Needed set of skills for fresh graduates in open innovation context. The questionnaire includes also general questions on industry, size and market orientation of companies, and respondents’ info and feedback part. The full versions questionnaire is published on platform and distributed to the partners and constitute the core of the deliverable D2.1. The main language of the survey is English, but, according to the partners wish, questionnaire was translated into 13 languages. OI NET: WP 2 www.evf.ktu.edu
Sampling The sample size and structure was planned to fit for multilevel analysis: we aimed to collect data from 35 countries (level 1), the minimum of 10 core industries (level 2), and corresponding amount of companies (level 3). The methodological assumption is 5 multiple rule: min 5 countries * 5 industries * 5 companies. The selection of key industries for survey was done based on country and statistical economic significance criteria. First, each targeted country was viewed from publicly available statistics (Eurostat) and the top 5-10 industries in terms of contribution to national GDP were selected. The methodological recommendations were distributed to partners and published as part of D2.1. The minimum amount of industries to be surveyed was 5. From each industry at least 5 (depending on industry structure) representative companies are selected by the partners of the OI-Net network and approached with the survey. The targeted sample was 875 filled questionnaires if 25 companies per partner country would participate in survey. In small countries, it was possible to collect data from 3 industries.
Sample distribution OI NET: WP 2 www.evf.ktu.edu
Sample distribution OI NET: WP 2 www.evf.ktu.edu
European definition of open innovation! OI NET: WP 2 www.evf.ktu.edu
Factor analysis of open innovation activities Open Innovation Activities within Firms Factor name Open technology sourcing 1 Open mass innovation 2 Open collaborative innovation 3 10. IP in-licensing ,723 ,173 ,267 12. External technologies acquisition ,714 ,080 ,306 13. Selling unutilized / unused technologies ,684 ,297 -,026 11. IP out-licensing ,679 ,327 ,278 8. Participation in standardization (public standards) / influencing industry standards ,566 ,192 ,122 9. Free Revealing (e.g. Ideas, IP) to external parties ,246 ,745 ,172 7. Using external networks (e.g. associations, intermediaries, knowledge brokers) ,189 ,696 2. Crowdsourcing ,161 ,253 6. Idea & start up competitions ,375 ,589 ,188 4. Collaborative innovation with external partners (i.e. suppliers, universities, competitors…) ,226 ,174 ,785 1. Customer and consumer co-creation in R&D projects ,088 ,314 ,697 5. Subcontracting R&D ,368 ,062 ,667 3. Scanning for external ideas ,378 ,602
Factor analysis of open innovation activities Open Innovation Skills and Abilities in Firms Factor name Collaborative OI skills 1 Eclectic OI skills (combination skills) Meta Collaborative OI skills 3 Explorative OI skills (critical skills) 4 Transformational OI skills 5 Exploitative OI skills 6 Skills 12. Communication skills ,699 ,132 ,106 ,105 ,275 ,126 Skills 13. Networking skills ,658 ,221 ,050 ,236 ,112 ,059 Skills 10. External collaboration skills ,650 ,288 ,374 ,138 -,031 ,158 Skills 11. Trust skills ,607 ,118 ,173 ,060 ,335 ,141 Skills 5. Team-working skills ,443 ,231 ,386 ,115 ,331 -,068 Abilities6. Ability to work in internal cross-functional teams ,277 ,690 ,218 ,055 ,160 ,194 Abilities 5. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment ,302 ,689 ,124 -,009 ,073 ,248 Abilities 11. Ability to work with different professional communities ,325 ,635 ,100 ,344 ,120 -,010 Abilities 10. Cultural awareness ,171 ,572 ,188 ,213 ,349 -,036 Abilities 9. New media literacy -,141 ,498 ,412 ,270 ,258 ,039 Abilities 7. Strategic thinking ,065 ,462 ,113 ,147 ,438 ,254 Abilities 4. Managing inter-organisational collaboration processes ,423 ,452 ,005 ,294 ,104 Skills 7. Problem-solving skills ,205 -,017 ,693 ,125 ,284 ,174 Skills 8. Virtual collaboration skills ,162 ,660 -,095 -,004 Skills 6. Multi-tasking skills ,136 ,082 ,239 ,159 Skills 9. Internal collaboration skills ,549 ,291 ,557 ,042 ,014 ,101 Abilities 15. Failure tolerance ,200 ,036 ,133 ,687 ,053 Abilities 14. Risk awareness ,031 ,212 ,149 ,558 ,192 ,336 Abilities 13. Ability to share knowledge and ideas externally ,343 ,044 ,518 -,073 ,023 Abilities 12. Ability to share knowledge and ideas internally / within an organisation ,440 ,426 ,477 -,035 -,051 Abilities 1. Technology and business mindset ,056 ,088 ,439 ,434 Abilities 3. Adaptability and flexibility ,354 ,314 ,271 -,058 Skills 3. Entrepreneurial skills ,219 ,089 ,697 ,070 Skills 4. Leadership skills ,247 ,064 ,034 ,681 Abilities 8. Creativity ,018 ,155 ,356 ,411 -,105 Skills 1. IP management skills ,109 ,130 ,085 -,003 -,024 ,795 Skills 2. Negotiation skills ,300 ,000 ,061 ,435 ,509 Abilities 2. Project management -,043 ,415 Factor analysis of open innovation activities
Integration of competence set intothe open innovation funnel Production Development Evaluation / selection Idea generation New markets Existing markets Corporate limit Integrate ideas from outside to the innovative development Exploit ideas which don’t fit to own company strategy outside of the company optimally Transform the collected ideas from outside for innovative opportunity exploitation Integrate ideas from outside to the innovative development
Competence model for European industries Execution / Roles Open Innovation manager/ leader/ advisor Network and partnership manager Boundary spanner Knowledge manager Intellectual Capital Manager R&D Manager/ Chief Technology Officer Product Marketing Manager Technology Scouting Manager for New Business R&D Areas of Expertise/ processes Open technology (in and out) sourcing External technologies acquisition Selling unutilized / unused technologies Intellectual Property in- and out - licensing Open mass innovation Free Revealing of ideas and Intellectual Property to external parties Crowdsourcing Using external networks Idea & start up competitions Open collaborative innovation Collaborative innovation with external partners Subcontracting R&D Customer and consumer co-creation in R&D projects Scanning for external ideas Transferrable competences Collaborative OI skills Meta Collaborative OI skills External collaboration skills Trust skills Communication skills Networking skills Team-working skills Multi-tasking skills Problem-solving skills Virtual collaboration skills Internal collaboration skills Distinct OI management competences Explorative OI skills (critical skills) Eclectic OI skills (combination skills) Transformational OI skills Exploitative OI skills Ability to share knowledge and ideas internally / within an organisation Ability to share knowledge and ideas externally Risk awareness Failure tolerance Technology and business mind set Adaptability and flexibility Managing inter-organisational collaboration processes Ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment Ability to work in internal cross-functional teams Strategic thinking New media literacy Cultural awareness Ability to work with different professional communities Entrepreneurial skills Leadership skills Creativity IP management skills Negotiation skills Project management
Team Monika Petraite Kaunas university of technology monika.petraite@ktu.lt Daria Podmetina Lappeenranta university of technology daria.podmetina@lut.fi Eric Klas Soderquist Athens university of Economics and Business soderq@aueb.gr