Chapter 2: GST Basics Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Family as the final consumer pays the total $120 GST Figure 2.1: Example of value added supply chain Manufacturer sells a fridge for $800 plus GST to a retailer. Collects $80 for the GST $80 GST sent to ATO $40 GST sent to ATO Retailer sells the fridge to a family for $1,200 plus GST. Collects $120 for the GST Family as the final consumer pays the total $120 GST Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.2: Example of GST-free export Manufacturer sells a fridge for $800 plus GST to a wholesaler. Collects $80 for the GST $80 GST sent to ATO $80 Refund from ATO Wholesaler sells and exports the fridge to a customer in New Zealand for $1,200. No GST paid as this is a GST-free export Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
No credit to the landlord for the $500 GST paid to the painter Figure 2.3: Residential rent as an Input Taxed Supply Painter paints flat and charges the landlord $5,000 plus GST. Collects $500 for the GST $500 GST sent to ATO Landlord rents the residential flat out at $1,400 per month with no GST No credit to the landlord for the $500 GST paid to the painter Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.4: GST section of the BAS Information set up Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.5: Option 1 – GST Calculated and reported quarterly Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.6: Option 2 – GST Calculated and reported annually Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.7: Option 3 – Pay GST Instalment Amount Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.8: Summary of quarterly tax obligations on BAS Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.9: GST calculation worksheet for BAS Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.10: New Tax Code for Export Sales Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.11: Selecting a GST code for an Item Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.12: Credit terms and tax code for a customer Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Tax Inclusive box Ticked (On) Figure 2.13: An example of a Tax-inclusive cheque Amount includes the GST($80 plus $8 GST) GST shown in gray Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.14: Recap Transaction window for a cheque Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.15: An example of a tax-exclusive cheque Tax Inclusive box Not Ticked (Off) Amount excludes the GST($80 cost only) GST $8 added Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.16: Bill for purchase of items on credit Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.17: Invoice for sale of items on credit Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.18: Input taxed residential rent received and deposited Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.19: A tax-inclusive cheque paying for advertising Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.20: The Recap Transaction window for cheque paying advertising Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.21: Cheque drawn to pay June tax amounts Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.22: GST report selected from list Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.23: Report Customisation window for a GST report Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.24: Completed GST calculation worksheet for BAS Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.25: Option 1 on front page of BAS Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.26: The BAS Information window Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.27: Field Setup for GST code G1 Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.28: Front sheet for BASlink Business Activity Statement Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.29: Back Sheet for BASlink Business Activity Statement Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus
Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus Figure 2.30: Sample payment prepared by BASlink Chapter 2: GST for MYOB Accounting Plus