Meeting the Challenges to Gynae Oncology Research in New Zealand Peter Sykes ANZGOG 2013
Challenges Tertiary referral patterns Lack of gyn oncologists Small numbers Infrastructure Resource/ Funding Ethics processes DHB/Government commitment Incentive/time isolation Restricted entry to trials Potential Strong record Coordinated health service Lower costs NZGCG/ANZGOG Increased communication Standards / national plan HRC funding streams
Logistical Small population Subspecialty referral under developed Lack of gyn oncologists Small centers Small numbers Staff shortages Lack of research infrastructure (data manager nurse coordinator)
Restricted grant funding
Barriers Too busy (clinicians) Cost Overheads DHB/MOH Ethics processes Contractual difficulties
motivational Its not easy! No incentive Too busy/competing demands Isolation Reduced influence of academia Its all in up to date! Changing priorities/ lifestyle.
Other issues Pharmac Restricted access for trials Rare tumours fatigue
The way forward Continued engagement ANZGOG NZGCG International groups Involve other researchers Celebrate success involve juniors Commercial research
Foster research ethos National standards Subspecialisation Patient expectation Job descriptions! Standard 14 All women and their whanau have access to tumour specific outcome data reported from comprehensive gynae cancer centres. Standard 15 Women who are treated at comprehensive gynaecological cancer centres should have access to relevant (selected) multi-centre clinical trials.
It’s a team goal. Optimise funding opportunities HRC Private donation (research trusts) Commercial research.