Evolution of Humans
Australopithecus Ape like humans 2 legs Africa Trees No language No Tools Lucy is the oldest fossil we have found
Homo habilis Smaller jaw – “Handy Man” 2 legs Africa and Tanzania Meat No- language Yes – Hand-ax and stone tools Opposable thumbs
Homo habilis
Homo erectus Upright, Large brain cavity and human looking 2 legs Africa, Asia and Europe Meat No language Tools were stones 1 st fire, migration and lived in caves
Homo erectus
Homo Neanderthalensis Prominent Nose – Thick bones – Large Face – Same brain size as humans 2 legs Europe, Middle east, Asia and Africa Meat and Vegetables Yes – spoke language Yes – tools Buried dead– Start of religion?
Homo sapiens Forehead – Small teeth – More developed brain 2 legs Europe, Middle east, Asia and Africa Meat and Vegetables Yes – spoke language Yes – tools Modern Human evolved from
Homo sapiens
Cro Magnon Man (homo sapien sapien) Just like modern man