The Initiative Dr. Indira Hettiarachchi NPC ILO -delines - UNAIDS Alice Ouedraogo International Labour Office, Geneva 24 July 2014, AIDS 2014, Melbourne
The Initiative Dr. Indira Hettiarachchi NPC ILO The initiative Half of people living with HIV do not know their HIV status. - UNAIDS Only 34% of the total 28.3 million people in low and middle countries are accessing treatment (ART) -WHO 2013 Treatment Guidelines
The Initiative Dr. Indira Hettiarachchi NPC ILO The initiative To reach 5 million women and men workers with Voluntary and Confidential HIV Counselling and Testing by 2015
Builds on the Getting to Zero at Work Campaign Builds on the Getting to Zero at Work Campaign
“If workplaces embrace this new initiative it could signify one of the most important advances we’ve seen in expanding access to HIV testing within a healthy, enabling environment and linking to on- going support including treatment” Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV “To reach these goals, we need to work together to ensure that all workplaces are free from stigma and discrimination” Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General
Key principles Consent Confidentiality Counselling Connection to treatment Equity and gender equality Meaningful engagement of people living with HIV
Focus on workplaces that already have programmes. Focus on high prevalence areas and key economic sectors. Mapping of VCT providers and ART Centres. Partnerships with providers, following national protocols. Partnerships ( National AIDS programmes, Labour Ministries., private sector, unions, PLHIV networks). Communication and Advocacy. Capacity building. Resource mobilization. Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation System Strategy
1,019,329 Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV - after 1 year Benin Burkina Faso Cameroun Ghana Kenya Lesotho Mozambique Nigeria South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Togo Zambia Zimbabwe India Indonesia Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Workers reached 1, 019,329 (63% M, 37% F) workers tested 191,220 (67% M, 33% F)
Linking with National AIDS plans/ national Initiatives helps. Testing under the wellness approach has the potential. VCT works best when it builds on an existing workplace programme. Trade unions have the capacity to mobilize. Inclusions of HIV testing in large scale workers event ( e.g. VCT at OSH year 2013 Award Ceremony in Nigeria). Offering HIV testing within a broader package of health services is appealing to workers. Inclusion voluntary testing in annual medial exams is effective Lessons: What Works
It is difficult to track workplace testing results in national reporting systems It is also difficult to track results between workplaces and VCT centers VCT service providers ( government and non- government provider) are not always able or willing to meet large demand Migrant and informal economy workers remain a challenge Strengthening partnerships with other world of work actors with national AIDS Programmes. Challenges
All pieces are in place…time to accelerate Expand to more countries. Expand partnership with National AIDS Programmes to increase the coverage and get numbers under the national M&E. Mobilize funds. Next Steps
Together we can make it happen! Thank You Protect Human Rights at Work, Prevent HIV