Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) SIOS Distributed Data Management System & The Brokering Approach by Bente Lilja Bye SIOS Coordination Team The Research Council of Norway Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 SIOS will have both requirements and contribute to the brokering approach and its governance
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 What is SIOS? SIOS Distributed Data Management System How can SIOS use the brokering approach?
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 SIOS' goal is to build knowledge and capacity for scientists within Arctic research and connect observations in a multidisciplinary manner.
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 The Climate Observatory, including hydro-meteorological, radiation, and greenhouse gas related observations; The Solar-Terrestrial Observatory, covering upper atmosphere and solar-terrestrial exchange processes; The Pollution Observatory, covering pollution issues in the atmospheric, marine and biota environment; The Marine Observatory, including water column, sea-floor and sea-ice observations; The Geophysical Observatory, including glaciological, permafrost, geomorphologic, seismological and geodetic observations; The Terrestrial Ecosystem Observatory, including soil-related activities. The SIOS Knowledge Centre The SIOS Access Program The SIOS Logistics Service The SIOS Remote Sensing Service The SIOS Webportal The SIOS Distributed Data Management System OPEN Data Policy
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 SIOS Distributed Data Management System + SIOS Data Products
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 Data submission through well developed documentation, best practices, interfaces and tools; Data discovery through human and machine interfaces, focusing initially on index metadata harvested from contributing data centres. Online access to data sets, utilizing internationally accepted access mechanisms; Data use by standardised documentation of data sets allowing users to access and understand data retrieved.; Data transformation services, including sub-setting (by variable, geographical area or time), and re-projecting (changing the map projection) to ease scientific use of the data sets collected; Long term preservation of data sets through mandated data archives; Description of the SIOS Distributed Data Management Service
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 SIOS Distributed Data Management System [Technical] Requirements Scalable technology Open data space (incl. open software) Brokering capabilities Cost efficient
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 SIOS will have both requirements and contribute to the brokering approach and its governance Requirements: Scalable technology, open software, open data space Contributions: Multidisciplinary*, multinational*, best practice, sustainable framework, development of the brokering technology,... *wide range of disciplines representing both science and culture – scientific vocabulary insufficient (meta data) non-machine readable, controlled vocabularies
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Bente Lilja Bye, SIOS Coordination Team 4 th RDA Plenary, Amsterdam September 2014 Thank you for your attention!