Six Characteristics of Civilizations Ms. Elias World History (9 th Grade) iMater
Essential Question What factors contributed to the development of civilizations?
Pre-history Pre-historic = before written records Two periods of pre-history to know – Paleolithic Era – Neolithic Era
Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) Stone primary material for tools Hunter-gather Nomadic lifestyle
Neolithic Age (New Stone Age) Agriculture Domestication of animals Some settlement Some nomadic groups
Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age Agricultural Revolution
Neolithic Age Develop Civilization People Start to Settle
River Valley Civilizations 1.Mesopotamia (Tigers & Euphrates Rivers) 2.Ancient Egypt (Nile River) 3.Ancient India (Indus River) 4.Ancient China (Huang He River)
Civilization A form of culture, characterized by cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record-keeping and advanced technology
Six Characteristics Civilization To be a civilization, society must have a majority of these: 1. Cities 2. Government 3. Religion 4. Social Structures 5. Writing 6. Art
Group Work: Ancient Civilization Part 1: Assign your Group Roles 1.Every member must fill out the Chart 2.Assign each member one of the 6 characteristic Part 2: Research your Civilization in Class Mesopotamia—Chapter 4 (pg ) Ancient Egypt—Chapter 5 (pg ) Ancient India—Chapter 9 (pg ) Ancient China—Chapter 10 (pg )