The Exploration and Settlement of America
Background Information History connects to the pieces of text we read If you understand the history, the text will make more sense!
Spain, England, and France were the countries that explored and settled most of the Americas in the 1400s European countries created a rich mixture of cultures that vary and shape American history
1492- Christopher Columbus’s voyage to Caribbean marked the beginning of contact between Europeans and Native Americans Many made contact from Canada to South America Native Americans had been living there for thousands of years They adapted to diverse environments Interactions began nicely… didn’t stay that way Newcomers brought diseases- more deadly than weapons
English weren’t the first there, but their 13 colonies established the United States They relied on private trading companies to establish their presence The Virginia Company established the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown, VA.
People who settled there = Puritans Puritans = Protestant reformers who wanted to “purify” the Church of England At this time, what was the church doing that they didn’t agree with? Didn’t really work for a lot of people in England, so some people wanted to separate completely Which is why they went to America
1620- William Bradford helped bring almost 100 people to America on the Mayflower Puritan beliefs- helped set up camp Beliefs = value hard work, thrift, and responsibility What modern group of American people base their lives largely on these ideals?
Largely based in Pennsylvania
Spain’s new territory- north of the Isthmus of Panema up to California
Spanish wanted to gain glory and riches Also convert people to Christianity Strongest in central Mexico Also establish in St. Augustine, Sante Fe, Caribbean Language and culture has lasting impact on regions Their desire to exploit riches of the territory led to forced labor and abuse of Native Americans
1520s- fishing expeditions led France to Americas Settlements along St. Lawrence River in Canada A lot less of them than Europeans or Spanish Less likely to come into contact w/ Native Americans Mostly trappers and fur traders first explorers to travel the upper Mississippi River explored all the way down the river to Gulf of Mexico. Claimed it for King Louis XIV, calling is Louisiana
Native Americans- not written, but mostly oral traditions Passed down histories, myths, legends Many stories lost when older people died of diseases Some old stories survived- modern Native American writers use them in their own stories European writers- motivated by belief about their role in God’s plan Includes historical narratives (stories), sermons, and poems