Looking at West Chiltington Montessori and the Reggio Approach for the Autumn Term By Julia, Yvonne & Antonia
Montessori Child focused Specially designed resources Careful preparation of the layout of the room Home from home environment Children to know where they can find things for themselves Easy access to resources Everything having it’s own place Practical life activities Doing up buttons and zips Cutting and threading
Montessori Sensory experiences Children to express themselves freely Children to be involved in real cooking and cleaning activities Being involved in the community Montessori is easily linked to the EYFS
The Reggio Approach Reggio Emilia is a small city in the region of northern Italy Founded after World War II Loris Malaguzzi inspired the education experience Children at the centre of the Reggio Pedagogy 100 languages of expression is a poem by Malaguzzi
Atelier Is the heart of the school It is described as ‘the place of what is possible’ Has a wide range of resources available to the children Atelierista to help with research and continue ongoing projects A place for children to be creative
Environment The environment is considered as the third teacher Welcoming and beautiful to all Natural plants Open spaced Open ended Resources available for the children to access independently Inviting activities/compositions/provocations
The great outdoors
Documentation & Reflection Is a process for documenting children's learning It is not an end product, it is ongoing Tools for documentation include photos, videos, drawings, written notes For the children it helps them to reflect on their learning For the practitioner it provides evidence to discover how the children are learning For the parents it shows them what their child is doing to learn
Documentation & Reflection
EYFS linked to the Montessori and Reggio Approach A Unique Child A powerful individual who is strong, confident and competent Positive relationships Children, Teachers and Parents are equally important Enabling environments Importance of the environment to support children’s development, play and learning Learning an development Understand how children learn through long term projects, as individuals, as part of a group and through reflective practice Key Person Having a shared image of the child, having a two way relationships between the teachers, parents and children Parent partnership is essential!
Working in Partnership with parents and families Sharing Information Parents Evening (wine and cheese night) Next Steps Daily Diaries Respect Listen to the parents decisions about their children Trust Confidentiality Creating positive relationships
Parents as Partners continued Communication Posters Displayed Over the phone Face to face Social Media? (Confidential private group no information or photos of children.) Diversity Show interest in the children's home life Involve parents as much as possible In the future a possible PTFA (Parent, Teacher, Friends Association) Be involved in the community Summer Fairs
Summary The Reggio and Montessori Approach are a good way to look at children’s enquiries into the way they think and play Makes the children use their imagination The EYFS is used as a reference system, not a target/tick box system to move children on through their development Reggio and Montessori both share similar visions when looking at the environment and how things are set up Both use natural materials, Montessori does have it’s own resources which are specifically designed for the approach Important to work with parents as partners we both want what's best for the child. September sees the start of further developing our approach – we value your support!