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Presentation transcript:

PATRICIAN CARRYING BUSTS Or how to carry your family tree in two hands

WHAT IS IT ??? Life size statue of a Roman Patrician carrying two busts (heads). Finished somewhere between 10BC and the start of the first half of the first century AD.

Who were the Patricians? According to the historian Livy, the first 100 men appointed as senators by Romulus (founder of Rome) were referred to as "father" (patres), and the descendants of those men became the Patrician class. The term patrician originally referred to a group of elite families in ancient Rome, including both their natural and adopted members.

THE BUSTS Both realistic (= Veristic). Both stop just below the neck (= sign of Late Republican period). They are two old men and represent the patricians ancestors. They are both held close to indicate the close relationship to the patrician carrying them.


Left Hand Bust - Grandfather Style of c.50BC Probably of the patrician’s grandfather Balding head with wrinkles under the man’s neck

Right Hand Bust - Father Later than the other; this one c.40-30BC Probably the patrician’s father Short hair that is combed forward towards the forehead Groves around mouth Tight thin mouth and lips A very severe look

WHAT IS VERISTIC STYLE? VERISTIC STYLE = true, ‘warts and all’. This can be seen by the wrinkles and the creases shown on the faces: Especially on the brow, At the corners of the eyes, At the sides of the mouth. Drapery hangs in irregular folds.

SOME LAST POINTS… Great attention to detail, ie: bone structure, skin, hair and eyes. The original masks were made of wax as it was tradition to have wax busts (death masks) of deceased patrician’s in their households. Only patrician’s could have portrait busts made. These busts were therefore a status symbols.

Patrician Carrying Busts – Revision Write down at least SIX basic facts about the statue (date, material, subject matter, dimensions etc) Why has the sculptor included a palm trunk in this work? Describe the clothing of the main figure. What is the significance of his wearing this clothing? What is the style of the statue? Write a definition of the style including at least FOUR features of the style. Explain in detail TWO possible influences on the style of the statue.

Patrician Carrying Busts - Revision Identify the objects the main figure is carrying in each hand. Include the connection of these objects to the main figure. (be specific about which hand carries which specific ‘person’). Explain in detail the social significance of these objects. Make at least TWO points. What message is the sculptor trying to convey about his subject and how does he do this?

Patrician: Comparative Questions Compare this statue with the bust of Commodus. Identify and describe at least THREE stylistic differences. Compare the statue with the bust of Philip the Arabian. Identify and describe at least TWO stylistic similarities (See Artus study notes p100 if you need to).