SEN and Disability Reform: Update and advice for leaders in Early Years Settings, Schools and FE Colleges Special schools and special units Transitions Social Care Health
Introductions Start and finish time Refreshments Information packs Housekeeping
The child/young person is at the centre of any planning. Families, carers and friends are full partners in planning. Planning can help a child / young person to become part of their local community. A plan should look at what is important to a child young/ person now and in the future. A plan always leads to an action to create positive change.. 6.
Reviews Reviews are holistic Person Centred-ensuring the young person voice is heard What’s worked well – reflect & review What needs to happen -next steps-some clear actions and outcomes Outcome focussed goals
One Page Profile The One Page Profile is a great starting point for developing person centred information, this is the first section of a EHCP. The One Page Profile captures What people like and admire about the child/young person – Focussing on their skills and gifts What’s important to the child/young person – Telling us in their own words and by their behaviour what really maters to them How best to support the child/young person – What's been learned about ways to support in a way that makes sense to the child young/person enabling them to stay safe and healthy
One Page Profiles
Schools Checklist
Next Steps Multi Agency Training dates in Localities: 27 th October 5 th November 6 th November 11 th November 14 th November 17 th November 24 th November 26 th November nts.htm 1st December 2nd December 9th December 10th December 15th December
Useful Links disability-reforms