Lesson Objectives To use illustrator to create a logo To seek feedback from a test buddy throughout the project. You have 2 lessons to complete the logo task, including filling in the Design Log. If you do not complete it, you will be using a half finished logo throughout the project.
Logo Task The logo must be created using only vector tools work in different sizes on-screen and in print be appropriate for the name and purpose of the business Be created using only primary sources
Logo Tips There are not very many requirements for this – but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy task. Consider How is it going to work in different sizes? This means you cannot have really fine detail if it is going to be shrunk down to put on a napkin or name badge, but it also needs to work when blown up to the size of a billboard. How are you going to make sure its appropriate for your take away? How will you know its for a healthy take away? You can only use primary sources - this means that you must create everything yourself.
Design Log – Final Design When you have finished your design you must do 2 things Explain which tools you used and why you used themJustify your design decisions 1.Identify the tools you have used1. Identify some of the design decisions you made 2. Explain how you used them to create your design 2. Justify why that decision was apocopate for the audience 3. Justify why they were better than any other tool3. Justify why that decision was apocopate for the purpose For top marks – Explain how you adjusted the tool to make it achieve the effect you were looking for. For top marks – consider what makes a good design. Does it make it stand out/look more professional etc? “I used start and rectangle tool to make the outline. I drew these separately and then used the “join” tool to create a compound shape. This meant that I could add a gradient to the whole shape, and create a unique background to make my logo stand out” “I used a gradient as the background to make to stand out and look more effective. I decided to make it go from light yellow to dark yellow so that it was bold without looking too garish. This added to the professional look I was going for. Alongside this, yellow suits the sunny, Caribbean style.”
Elements table Every element of your design needs to go into your elements table. If you create an image as part of the logo, and use it alongside another images then each of these need to go into your elements table. Example: in the logo below each of these symbols are design elements and each need to be recorded in your elements table.