French Revolution Review Mr. Williamson Somerville HS
Test Format Multiple Choice – 15 Questions at 2 Points each – 30 points Matching – 10 questions at 2 points each – 20 points Identifications – 3 at 3 points each – 9 points Document Based Questions – 1 Questions at 5 points each – 5 Points Essay – 2 paragraphs needed for full credit – 10 Points Total – 74 points
Theme #1 - Who group strived for the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Who made up the Bourgeoisie? Maximilien Robespierre? Estates General? War tactic of Russia vs. Napoleon? Goals of Congress of Vienna Reign of Terror – Who ran it?
Theme #2 - What was the Continental system? Napoleon’s final defeat? Factors leading to the French Revolution Women’s march on Versailles? Why? Tennis Court Oath? King Louis XVI found guilty of what?
Theme #3 - Lycees – what were they? Committee of Public Safety – actions? Old Regime – what does it refer to? First Estate? Who made it up? Revolutionary Tribunal – purpose? Klemens Von Metternich? Role in Congress of Vienna? What was the Mountain? National Convention/Girodins?
Essay Topic Social, Economic, Political conditions before the French Revolution – how did it lead to the start of the French Revolution?
Sample Questions 1. King Louis XIV was famous for commissioning the Palace at ___________________. A. Bastille B. Versailles C. Bordeaux D. Marseilles
Sample Questions 2. In 1789, the delegates to the Estates- General that broke away and declared themselves to be the National Assembly were from the a.First Estate.c.Third Estate. b.Second Estate.d.Fourth Estate.
Sample Questions 3. The members of the Third Estate took revolutionary action because they A. Were suspicious of the liberal ideas coming out of the French legislature B. Believed that a king should rule by divine right, not the will of the people C. Disagreed with the ideas behind the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen D. Had fewer rights, owned less land and paid more taxes than the wealthier members of the French population
Sample Questions 4. This was the period under Maximillien Robespierre when revolutionary courts were set up to prosecute enemies of the French Revolution. A. The Reign of Terror B. The Directory C. The Enlightenment D. The National Assembly
Sample Questions 5. What is a coup d’etat? A. A revolution B. A salon C. An overthrow of the government D. The Paris Commune
Sample Questions 6. What action by the leaders of the French Revolution demonstrates that they were influenced by Enlightenment ideas? A. They called for the fall of the absolute monarchy B. They encouraged the conquests of Napoleon C. They fought to maintain France’s colonial empire D. They supported the combination of church and state
Sample Questions 7. Why was the Revolutionary Tribunal created? a. To eliminate people who threatened the Revolution from within b. To manage the country’s military defense against foreign forces c. To write a democratic constitution d. To write and approve laws
Sample Questions 8. Why was the Revolutionary Tribunal created? a. To eliminate people who threatened the Revolution from within b. To manage the country’s military defense against foreign forces c. To write a democratic constitution d. To write and approve laws
Sample Questions 9. The Reign of Terror resulted in a. Increased foreign opposition to the French Revolution b. A strengthened National Assembly c. Peace throughout France d. The election of Robespierre to the presidency
Sample Questions 10. The Continental System restricted a. Trade with Great Britain b. Trade with French possession in Asia c. Freedom of speech and of the press d. The rights of women
Sample Questions Tiebreaker – what is the year, month and date of the Storming of the Bastille?