An Essential Need of Modern Civilization… P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi Micro & Compressible Viscous Fluid Flows.


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Presentation transcript:

An Essential Need of Modern Civilization… P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi Micro & Compressible Viscous Fluid Flows in Ducts

Engineering Solution for Hagen-Poiseuille Flow Conventional engineering flows: Kn < Micro Fluidic Devices : Kn < 0.1 Ultra Micro Fluidic Devices : Kn <1.0 The Wall Boundary Conditions. or  u s uw uw Wall

Micro Engineering Mild Slip Hagen-Poiseuille Flow The first order slip condition: For a flow through an immobile pipe:

The micro engineering pipe-flow solution is thus Mean & Maximum Flow Velocities The Wall Shear Stress Friction Factor

Popular Creeping Flows Fully developed duct Flow. Flow about immersed bodies Flow in narrow but variable passages. First formulated by Reynolds (1886) and known as lubrication theory, Flow through porous media. This topic began with a famous treatise by Darcy (1856 Civil engineers have long applied porous-media theory to groundwater movement. by-JamesFay/2003/Textbook/Nodes/chap06/node17.html

Further Use of Mean Velocity for High Speed Flows

Compressible (Average) Frictional Flow in A Constant Area Duct ww Self similar compressible fully developed flow through ducts

Frictional Flow in A Constant Area Duct ww The shear stress is defined as an average viscous stress which is always opposite to the direction of flow for the entire length dx. Divide by  V 2

1D steady real flow through constant area duct : momentum equation

One dimensional Frictional Flow of A Perfect Gas

Sonic Equation Differential form of above equation:

Energy equation can be modified as:

Differential Equations for Frictional Flow Through Constant Area Duct