GYX SKYWARN Strategy Meeting Review and approve Operations Manual Discuss SKYWARN activation procedures & how best to alert spotters, coordinators & net controls Updates to WX1GYX station Updated forms & log sheets SKYWARN Network Getting the word out
Operations Manual Complete Organizational Structure section and build a Contact List Discuss roles and if any changes are needed Fine tune how and when to activate, as well as the process of alerting those who need to know the soonest list (for Net Control Operators & Coordinators) Phone Tree (for Net Control Operators & Coordinators) Other methods such as social media
SKYWARN is Activated by NWS SKYWARN Amateur Radio Coordinator SKYWARN Net Control Operators and Ham Radio Spotters Regional Coordinators and Net Control Operators SKYWARN Spotter Coordinator Public Announcements for Spotter Reports SKYWARN Activation
Station Updates Organizational supplies Headphones VHF/UHF Scanner Key, base, and slip pad Mousepad UTC / Local Time clocks Radio Quick Reference Guides
Severe Weather Report Form To better improve the flow of information, we’ve developed a simple report form that can be filled out and handed off to a forecaster or specified recipient during an activation.
Updated Log Sheet The new log sheet solves many of the logistical problems we found with the old one. It fits on a standard 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. It is only a log sheet Handing in Severe Weather Reports no longer means handing in part of your log, or becoming separated with your working list of call signs (who may need to be reached again for further reports)
GYX SKYWARN Amateur Radio Network Confirm accuracy of frequencies & relay methods Discuss how to create a culture of awareness & organic reporting Set into motion
Updated Frequency List The Frequencies programmed in the FT8900 at WX1GYX has been updated. Discuss changes, omissions, missed repeaters A copy of this will be at the operating position for reference, included in the manual, and will be made available as an excel document, when finalized.
SKYWARN Spotter Training Scripts - Using scripts will help hams who aren’t familiar with SKYWARN reporting criteria to learn what information we need. Opportunity – There is a lack of understanding of what information is useful and what isn’t – this is where SKYWARN Spotter training and refresher courses are vital. We can help identify what areas are in need of training and bring them to Mike’s attention.
Next Steps Setup a SKYWARN Chat as discussed at the Nashua meeting Work on improving direct VHF communications with Southern and Southwestern NH Continue to get the word out. The more involved, the better! Develop local and regional subnets and work towards creating a more organic SKYWARN that is aware of and anticipates the potential of hazardous weather. Continue to improve workflow and evolve in ways that best achieve the goals of NWS Gray and the SKYWARN mission.