ALA Annual Conference 2015 San Francisco Facilitated for LITA by Paul June 29, 2015 Event Hashtags: #alaac15 #alaleftbehind Blend It: Using Technology to Create Onsite/Online Learning Spaces
Google Hangouts: Finding Space
Google Hangouts: Equipment
Google Hangouts: Setting up the Space
Google Hangouts: Seeing What Participants See
Google Hangouts: (Virtual) Presence
Discussion #1: Using Hangouts How might Google Hangouts help you reach your local or extended communities in ways you currently can’t reach them?
Discussion #1: Using Hangouts How might Google Hangouts help you reach your local or extended communities in ways you currently can’t reach them? What are the biggest challenges you anticipate having to overcome in trying to use Hangouts or encourage others to join you in Hangouts?
Practicing With Every Possible Resource
From Practice to Delivery
Back-ups: As Many as Possible
How Big Is the Room?
Going Live
Discussion #2: Using Hangouts What tech challenges would you try to overcome when considering the use of online collaboration tools?
Discussion #2: Using Hangouts What tech challenges would you try to overcome when considering the use of online collaboration tools? What experiences have you had face to face or online that you can use in your exploration of online collaboration tools?
Twitter Collaborations: Introduction
Twitter Collaborations: Tweet Chats
Twitter Collaborations: Orientations
Facebook Collaborations: Introduction
Facebook Collaborations: Groups
Storify Collaborations: Introduction
Discussion #3: Other Collaboration Tools What other online collaboration tools might help you better serve and interact with those you serve?
Discussion #3: Other Collaboration Tools What other online collaboration tools might help you better serve and interact with those you serve? What will you do in the next week to experiment with online collaboration tools?
A Visual Summary
Resources Session Resource Sheet: Building Creative Bridges Blog: (Articles about Online Collaborative Tools, Learning, and More) Michelle Martin, “9 Lessons I Learned From Running My First Webinar”:
Questions & Comments
Questions & Comments… and Evaluation
For More Information Paul Signorelli & Associates 1032 Irving St., #514 San Francisco, CA om
Credits & Acknowledgments Coffee: Photography by Paul Signorelli Networking Uncommons Hangout Screenshot: From archived Google Hangout on YouTube at Hangout in Networking Uncommons: Photos by Paul Signorelli NEKLS Innovation Day Rehearsal: Photo by Robin Hastings NEKLS Innovation Day—Day of Event: Photo from Johnson County Library Twitter feed Globe: Photo by Paul Signorelli Screenshots from Google Hangout: From archived Google Hangout on YouTube at Question Marks: From Valerie Everett’s photostream at