Mastertrack Corporate Communication Prof. dr. Rens Vliegenthart Chair in Media and Organizations, Program Group Leader August 28, 2014 Graduate School of Communication
Today Who are we? The master programme in corporate communication Experiences of former students: Gert-Jan and Bert Research presentation: dr. Joost Verhoeven Questions?
Who are we?
Largest track in the master Not only teaching, but also research. Part of ASCoR
The programme Specialization seminar 112 ec Specialisation seminar 212 ec Research methods 6 ec Two electives 2x6 ec Thesis18 ec Total60 ects
First semester Block 1 and 2: Specialization seminar 1: Strategic communication in organizations Specialization seminar 2: Strategic communication of organizations Block 3 (January): Research methods tailored to the thesis + Thesis preparation groups
Strategic communication in organizations
Strategic communication of organizations
Thesis preparation groups
Programme master second semester Block 1: Electives and continuation of thesis preparation Block 2-3 : Thesis
Electives Corporate communication and hypermodernity Organizations on the web Entrepreneurship in Corporate Communication PR, Media and Public The Economic Crisis and the Media
Masterthesis (1) Thesis as a ‘regular’ course with a blackboard site Phase 1 (first semester): Thesis preparation groups Allocation of supervisor, choice for method Develop and write research proposal Phase 2 (second semester, first block): Final research proposal
Masterthesis (2) Phase 3 (second semester, block 2 and 3) Data collection, analysis and writing thesis Deadline end of June 2015 Download relevant documents with exact deadlines from blackboard
Questions so far?
Corpcom Research: Work-related Social-Media Use Dr. Joost Verhoeven
CorpCom Research Program
“The development, execution and effects of communication strategies towards internal and external stakeholders of organizations.” How do organizations get into the news? How are corporate issues framed? news coverage stakeholders New Ways of Working employees CSR communication stakeholders (I&E) Internal communication External Communication processes
Social Media in Organizations
But also….
work-related social-media use
Survey (SWOCC) 1 out of 3 employees Women > Men Correlation with education Correlation with age
Interviews & Surveys
“So well it’s no secret and I do it because I am building my own reputation eh to brand myself.” “…stay up to date about current affairs” “…I maintain contacts like I said earlier eh, to be able to do so you obviously need to post something or react to something every once in a while.”
Content Analysis
Conclusions For employees social media serve many functions – Personal branding – Corporate branding – Relationship management – Knowledge management Social Media Behavior is embedded in… – …an organizational context – …a professional context – …a communicative context
Thank you!