Daily Math Presented by: Kathy Thode & Vicki Van Dyke Oct. 24, 2014
By the end of the session, you will be able to: * Identify what daily math is *identify ways to structure this in your classroom *identify how this will fit in your math block *locate activities to engage your students with
Framework for Math Instruction Math by Myself Partner Math Math Technology Math Writing Math with the Teacher Students select from choices, working independently toward personalized goals, while the teacher meets individual needs through whole-group and small-group instruction, as well as one-on-one conferring. Teachers using Daily Math have classrooms that produce productive, highly engaged students who are developing a true love of mathematics. What is Daily Math?
Benefits to Daily Math Students develop independence, stamina, and accountability. The framework adapts to district-adopted curriculums and state mandates. Teachers are able to meet differentiated needs, helping to ensure that all students meet standard.
Engagement Activity Mix-Pair-Share 1.Students silently mix around the entire room while music plays smiling at everyone. 2.Music stops and teacher calls "Pair" 3.Students pair up with the person closest to them and give a high five. Student who haven't found a partner keep their hands up to find each other. 4.Teacher asks a question and gives Think Time. 5.Students share with their partner using : Timed Pair Share 6.Copycat response gambits "You have great ideas!"
How to Start Daily Math and Math Conversations Setting up Math Groups: Short Video on Math Conversations classroom classroom
I-charts from Kdg, 1st and 5th grade district classrooms O8r6lvTQ&index=3&list=UUwt18jQPYUl JHOfB7T7c35A
Other I-chart examples
Daily Math Selection
Independent Work Time Sharing after Workstations MItvQu8&index=1&list=UUwt18jQPYUlJ HOfB7T7c35A
Brain Break Shoulder to Shoulder Walk until "Daily Math" is called. When "Daily Math" is called you must find a partner and go Shoulder to Shoulder. Share your name and one of the Daily Math Stations, a Daily Math Fact, or how you could use this in your classroom. We will then do it again, this time you will go Elbow to Elbow. You can use this in your classroom with different(appropriate) body parts being called out as you go!
But....How does this fit into Go Math! ? Remember: Daily Math is a framework. Go Math! is how we help our students attain the Iowa Core. Grades K-2: Begin by completing math lesson in Go Math! 45 min Then move into Daily Math structure- 45 min Grades 3-5: Incorporate Daily Math into your 90 min math block For Example....
5th Grade Classroom Schedule - Go Math with Daily Math 25 minutes Unlock the Problem 15 minutes Daily Math Rotation 15 minutes Share & Show + Select On your Own problems 15 minutes Daily Math Rotation 10 minutes Test Prep and Essential Question
Kindergarten Classroom Schedule - Go Math with Daily Math Last Year: 20 minutes Whole Group This Year: 15 minutes Daily Math 15 minutes Daily Math 20 minutes Whole Group 20 minutes Whole Group 15 minutes Daily Math 15 minutes Daily Math 20 minutes Whole Group 10 minute Sharing
Daily Math Check in Sheet
Engagement Activity Accentuate the Positive 1.Form a circle 2.One person in the circle starts by pointing at another person in the circle and says, "Pie!" 3.The other person says, "Not today!" 4.That person then points at another person and says, "Pie!" 5.This continues around the circle. 6.Other phrases are started: 1."Spaghetti!" Responder says, "Maybe Tomorrow!" 2."Hawk!" Responder says, "Come, Hawk!" 3."Do you want Spam?" Responder says, "I don't like, Spam!"
Websites for locating independent and partner activities that align with the CORE Kids Count Math Centers Guided Math Number Sense Activities K-5 K-5 Math Teaching Resources
Share favorite Math by Self or Partner Math Activity Corners: 1. Announce Corners (K-2 partner activity, K-2 self activity, 3-5 partner activity, 3-5 self activity 2. Students Group in Corners - Students form groups of four within their corner 3. Each group of 4 gets 2 minutes total, 30 seconds each to share their activity 4. Gambit "Turn to your group and say "Thanks for sharing that great activity!"