Grades 7/8 Mathematics Lesson Idea adapted from the ‘Young Mathematicians at Work” series by Catherine Towmey-Fosnot
Free template from 2 The Sandwich Problem A class in our school went on a field trip. They had a choice of where they could go. The chart below shows their options:
Free template from 3 Subway made 17 sandwiches for the students to share and sent them out as follows: 3 subs to the Museum 4 subs to the Nature Park 7 subs to Martello Tower 3 subs to Rockwood Park The Sandwich Problem
Free template from 4 The next day, a few students said that it wasn’t fair because some students got more to eat than others. What do you think about this? Were the students right…was it unfair?
Free template from 5 Turn to the person next to you and talk for a few minutes about whether you think the situation was fair. Remember… Location# of Subs delivered # of Students NB Museum34 Irving Nature Park 45 Martello Tower78 Rockwood Park35
Free template from 6 Let’s Investigate! How much did each student in each group get, assuming that the subs were all shared equally in each group? Which group got the most? Work with a partner to find the answer to the following two questions: Use any materials you want, or make drawings to help prove your thinking.
Free template from 7 Math Congress 1 or 2 groups present their findings discuss results as a class review various strategies that were used by students
Free template from 8 Journal Question What would happen if we combined the following groups: NB Museum and Martello Tower Nature Park and Rockwood Park Would it be fair in this scenario? Explain your thinking using pictures and words.
Free template from 9 Reference Twomey-Fosnot, C. and Dolk, M. (2002). Young Mathematicians At Work: Constructing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. Portmouth, NH: Heinemann Publishing.