My Research Project By Karolina Strzelec
My Research Question Topic: Literature & libraries My research question is: Do the former year 7 students like the school library?
The Methods I used I gave out questionnaires to 30 year 7 pupils (15 girls and 15 boys). I used methods in my questionnaires such as: A likert scale (this is when you ask someone if they strongly agree/agree/don’t know/disagree or strongly disagree Yes/no/don’t know questions Numerical questions (e.g.0,1,2,3,4,5,5+)
Questionnaires These are some of the questions I asked in my questionnaire: 1.Are you male or female? 2.Do you like spending time in the library? Yes/no 3.How many books do you take out monthly? 0/1/2/3/4/5/5+ 4.The books in the library are interesting. Strongly agree/agree/disagree/strongly disagree
Keeping research ethical I kept my research systematic (meaning I gave everyone the same questionnaire) and I kept it ethical (Meaning that the data stays anonymous). In fact, one day I was asking people in the library to fill in questionnaires and someone wrote that they never went in the library(even though the person was in the library) and that they use the library for going on the computers. I told Mrs Doyle about this but I told no names.
Data analysis
(Some girl wrote both yes and no so that’s why it shows up there are 16 girls)
Results From my research I learned that most boys and girls agree that the books in the library are interesting. I also learned that boys prefer to use the library for the computers while the girls prefer to sit and chill with their friends.
Girls’ Results The girls think the library is ‘welcoming’ and ‘mostly quiet but can be noisy’. So overall I think the girls think positive of the library. Also eight of them strongly agreed to when I stated that the library is good for the school. Although one person disagreed.
Boys’ Results The boys think the school library is ‘nice’ and calm. Although two of them think the library is ‘rubbish’. Also the boys wrote that they only visit the library once or twice a week. So overall I think the boys have a verity of different opinions about the school library. Most of the opinions are positive, but there are a few people that disagree.
Conclusion In conclusion I think the former year 7 students like the school library. The majority of the girls and boys said they are most likely to go to the library at break so it shows that the children choose to go to the library themselves.
What I would do differently If I got a chance to do this project again I would do the following differently: I wouldn’t leave everything to the last minute. I would attend more of the meetings after school.