Utah Areas Council Meeting January 9, 2015
October 2014 General Conference Training Seven training topics One-page teaching summaries for each one – Intended for use in area council, coordinating council and stake meetings – Intended to simply and effectively convey training – Distributed in advance to enhance preparation and participation
October 2014 Area Council Meeting Training Topics Building Faith in Jesus Christ by Teaching the Power of the Atonement Strengthening Ward Councils and Member- missionary Work (Combined) Enhancing the Experience and Effectiveness of Full-time Missionaries (Combined) Strengthening Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums
January 2015 Area Council Meeting Training Topics Making Family History and the Temple a Family Focus Preparing Singles for the Blessings of Marriage and Family Teaching the Law of the Fast
The Purpose of the Church In fulfilling its purpose to help individuals and families qualify for exaltation, the Church focuses on divinely appointed responsibilities. These include helping members live the gospel of Jesus Christ, gathering Israel through missionary work, caring for the poor and needy, and enabling the salvation of the dead by building temples and performing vicarious ordinances. Handbook 2, 2.2
Three Principles “... better able when they have felt...” Emphasize the doctrines and blessings of finding and taking names to the temple as families Continue to emphasize temple self-sufficiency
Three Steps Find one or more your own ancestors or their descendants Take these names to the temple or share them with others (when possible, do this as a family) Teach your family and then others to do the same